Thursday, January 31, 2013

God Has No Grandchildren


Read: Matthew 24:4-12

“Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault.” - Jude 1:24

The truth of the fact that God has no grandchildren is found in Biblical, as well as current life scenarios. No one can inherit their faith from their parents or grandparents. They must answer God’s call on their own. Two people can believe in the one true God and live to worship Him in spirit and in truth as they teach His principles and precepts to their family; yet, one or more of their children may fail to live in the Truth (Joel 1:3). This happened to King David. His own son even plotted to kill him so he could take over his kingdom.

In Old Testament times, whole nations forgot that God raised them up to fulfill a specific purpose, even when God’s prophets tried to remind them (Judges 2:10). In the New Testament, Jesus explained that false teachers were already in the world and were expected to continue to come into the world throughout the Church Age (Luke 17:1). The Spirit clearly claimed that in the end times some would even abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and lies taught by demons (1 Timothy 4:1). We see this happening rampantly in our world today. In modern society, we cannot find even one Godly nation left in the entire world.

In our present day, it is even rare to find a church with more than a remote comprehension of who Jesus is. They worship with sad faces and fail to preach God’s Word. They spend more time as social volunteers than as God’s Army. There are very few people who call themselves Christians who actually follow Christ’s teachings or have a personal relationship with Him. It takes humility and courage to call upon Him; but once we do, He lives in us through every step of our future. It is our privilege and calling to share with others what we have in Christ. God calls us to give everyone we know the opportunity to reject or to receive God’s gift of Eternal Life (Hebrews 10:24; Ezekiel 3:18).

The love of God provided Paradise for us to enjoy forever. Adam and Eve believed Satan’s lie and aspired to be as wise as God. Their sin brought condemnation on the whole world. Sin also brought sickness, pain, suffering and death. However, God sent His Son to redeem everyone who is willing to believe in Him (John 3:16-18). Jesus freely gave His life to ransom all of mankind from eternal damnation (Mark 10:45). He rose again and proved that, because of the power of Christ within us, any tragedy which befalls us will exalt us in due time (Romans 8:35-39).

If we trust in Him alone, He purifies us and gives us the privilege of living as His children now and in eternity (1 John 3:2-3). Living in a personal relationship with God, we no longer need to understand everything that occurs. We live in faith that God is trustworthy, because He proves Himself to us over and over again. As we walk by the Spirit and crucify the deeds of the flesh, God provides us with a life that flourishes with His constant blessings (Galatians 5:16; Romans 8:14). He will also restore everlasting love to the world during His eternal reign over His Kingdom. His forgiveness is only a prayer away.

Lord Jesus, may we never forget the sacrifice You made on Calvary’s cross to pay our sin debt and to provide us with everlasting life. Give us the desire to share the Gospel with everyone we meet. Help us to let everyone know what a mighty God we serve and to give a reasoned response for our faith (1 Pete 3:15). Make us salt and light in this world that is dying in decay and darkness (Matthew 5:13-16).

Thought for the Day:
"Many people today do want to serve God, but only as His advisors."