Friday, January 4, 2013

Is God an Egotistical Maniac?

Creation : abstract galaxy - perfect background with space for text or image Stock PhotoAtheists consider God an egotistical maniac. They abound with questions about topics that do not make sense to the human mind. They try to figure them out with humanistic reasoning. How can a God of love allow so much corruption and agony in the world? Why does He restrict us with so many rules and regulations? How can He demand sinless perfection from us, when He inflicts such desolation on those who sin against His multitude of commandments? Why does He think He deserves praise and worship from His people, when He allows such suffering and wickedness to happen to everyone?

The answer to these questions is easy. God asks nothing from us that He did not already do or experience Himself when He lived on this earth in human form as Jesus Christ. The God who created the universe also died from a cruel crucifixion, thinking only of us the whole time. God knew us before we were even conceived in our mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5). He hears us when we cry out to Him (Jeremiah 33:3). God provides for the flowers and birds and will do even more for us (Matthew 6: 25-34).

Jesus poured out His life on Calvary’s cross to exonerate us of our sin debt (1 John 1:9). If we repent of our sins and surrender our life to His control, He lives within us and helps us to bear our burdens (1 John 3:24; 1 Peter 5:7). He is so intimately familiar with everything about us, that He even knows the exact number of hairs on our head (Luke 12:7). All He asks of us is our faith and trust in His wisdom and ways (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Only children demand gratification of all of their desires, regardless of the consequences of these choices. Children need a loving Father to protect and care for them. That is why God cares about every part of our life and often limits us to protect us. Often our human priorities are in direct opposition to God’s. Only the immature think that a life without expectations and restrictions is preferable, because of the utter chaos this would bring. In truth, when we do receive what we clamor for, we usually end up dissatisfied before long, and then go off on another tangent soon afterward.

God provides so much for us, which we take for granted. He gave us the beauty of a universe full of galaxies, all delicately balanced to perfection for our safety and enjoyment. Every snowflake and human being is a unique creation, regardless of similarities in our composition. He created a multitude of tiny fibers in our ear to interpret the waves of sound we hear all around us. DNA is specific for each individual person. He provided our five senses to process and enjoy every pleasure available to us. Brain nerves and cells store every sight, sound, smell and touch we ever experience. The order of life is not a random act of exploding gas, but the competent design of our Father God (Genesis 1:1).

God’s goal for our life is eternal joy and peace, which starts the moment we accept His sacrifice for us and repent of our sins. God had our best interest at heart when He gave us His laws and commandments. He is the perfect commander of His army, because He came up through the ranks and file, experiencing every temptation we do and even more trials than we will ever face (Hebrews 4:15). He does not demean us as slaves, but gives us a free will to choose or to reject Him. He wants us to center our life on Him, because He created us for His companionship for eternity.

Father God, how could such a masterpiece as life in this world come from any source other than You? Thank You for knocking on the door of our life and giving us the opportunity to know You in a real and personal way. You desire our praise and adoration for all You do for us and who You are, in the same way we enjoy recognition for our actions and accomplishments. We so appreciate You listening to our every prayer and for working out all things, even the negative things in our life, for our ultimate good.

Thought for the Day:
An egotistical God would not have given man a free will, knowing in advance how much His ego would suffer from ours!