Thursday, January 5, 2017

God in the Trials

Snow Capped Mountains Under Blue Sky and White Clouds

Do you experience trials and setbacks in this world? As a matter of fact, we all do. Paul made a list of his issues (2 Corinthians 11:16-33) and I felt led to do so too.

In my lifetime so far, I have been saddled with a melancholy personality and was raised by two children of alcoholics, which included an emotionally distant mother and an angry, bipolar father.

I was raped as a pre-teen, discarded by the husband of my youth (1 Timothy 5:8; Malachi 2:14), and lived through and healed from two different wrecks resulting in totaled cars.

Experiencing the consequences in my life of circumstances caused by those closest to me and losing all of my personal possessions several times, I learned to trust only in the Lord's love and provision.

I lived as a house parent in a children's home with ten dysfunctional children for almost two years, while being separated from my own children and grandchildren by many years and several states.

Against my will and better judgment, I endured the stress and mess of house remodels while I lived in them. I still shudder at the memories, but am thankful that I made the decision never to subject myself to that chaos again.

I am still dealing with an immune system that is attacking the healthy cells in my body and I have lost the partial function of a few organs that are permanently affected by this autoimmune disorder.

God continues to heal me emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually from the anguish caused by these major events in my life.

Through it all, I have come to the conclusion that I am truly a pilgrim and sojourner in this world, that my life is hidden with Christ in God and that I have eternal life reigning supreme in me, now and throughout eternity (Hebrews 11:13; Colossians 3:3-4; John 17:3).

Father God, many people suffer much more than I did in my life; but You also give to them the comfort, provision and survival skills that You gave to me and to the Apostle Paul. You make me flourish in the lean times and thankful and grateful during the times of plenty. My peace and joy no longer depend on circumstances.

Help everyone to realize Your presence in our life during the bad times as well as the good. You taught me to count my trials as joyful experiences (James 1:2-3). Give everyone the hope that I have learned through Your presence with me in my trials. When we cast our cares on You in prayer with thanksgiving (1 Peter 5:7; Philippians 4:6), Your peace floods our soul.

Thought for the Day:
Through every negative issue in life, God is still on His throne and remains in complete control of every concern in our life; He plants seeds for a miracle in every one of our setbacks and trials and brings us through them as a victor and warrior for His Kingdom.