Thursday, May 10, 2018

All Good Things to Enjoy

Pink Petaled Flowers

We relate to our physical world with our five senses as we involve our desires, instincts, emotions and intellect. We interact in the spiritual world through our spirit, which is Born Again at the moment of salvation.

God cares about every aspect of our life. We often attempt to perfect our self by giving up what we consider worldly pursuits. Although there is truth in this concept, the reality is that God created all good things for us to enjoy (1 Timothy 6:17).

He put us on this diverse and beautiful planet so that all creation would point us to Him (Romans 1:20). The perfecting process belongs to the Spirit of God, however.

If we attempt to perfect our self, we fail miserably. We also thwart the Holy Spirit's work in our life. If we try in the flesh to perfect our self, all we have is more flesh.

Instead, God's plan for us is that as He convicts us, we repent and obey. As we enjoy creation, we see God's glory and majesty surrounding us (Romans 1:20).

Consider our God-given talents in music, mechanics, giving, art, engineering, caring, writing, teaching, technology, preaching, serving, etc. These are wholesome activities.

It is the type of activity, and the amount of time and money we put into it, that determines whether or not we are catering to the flesh. Do we glorify God with what we do?

We actually balance out these earthly pursuits with a spiritual mind as we follow the direction of God's Spirit to do them all for the glory of God. Paul pointed out to us that even what we eat and drink should be done for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Father God, we do not want to live and walk in our flesh, or to hunger after fleshly pursuits and worldly acclaim. We desire nothing more than to sit at Your feet and to learn from You. Please fill us with Your presence and Your Spirit. Lead, guide and direct us to walk in Your ways.

Help us to share the goodness that You provide for us each day with those whom You planted in our life. Teach us to care about other people more than we care about our self; but help us also to have a balance in this, so that we never neglect our self or our needs (Mark 12:30-31). In all things we want to give You all of the praise, glory and honor due to Your name.

Thought for the Day:                   
Our soul requires times of leisure and recreation in order to maximize its effectiveness. If our soul - our thoughts, emotions and choices - does not prosper, our body and spirit will suffer also. - 3 John 1:2