Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Meaning of Unconditional Love

Close-up Photography of Leaves with Water Droplet

Enabling is a growing problem in today's society. We do not insist that people stand on their own two feet, nor do we give them the tools to accomplish this feat.

We do everything in our power to fix the problems in the lives of other people - especially our children. We bail them out of hardships, hand them resources that they do not earn, and rarely ask anything from them in return.

We do not teach them to manage money that they earn, to set their alarm to keep them on time for appointments, to think about the needs of others before their own needs, or to appreciate what is done for them and given to them.

We see a need, and out of compulsion, we fill it. This is not usually wise. Even Jesus only helped certain people as He saw our Father God directing Him to give His healing, wisdom and provision.

Jesus did not help everyone. If we give aid to someone outside of God's will for us, or for that person, we are thwarting God's purpose for their life and ours.

We often enable, rescue and assist in unhealthy ways. Instead, God exhorts us to consult Him in every area of our life, to follow the leading of His Spirit, and to always allow Him to work in and through us.

Our unconditional love for one another is commendable. It authenticates our faith and proves to the world that we are followers of Jesus Christ (John 13:34-35). We share His Gospel and spread hope, love, peace and joy to everyone we meet.

However, this does not always mean that we bail them out of their predicament; but it does mean that we pray for them, and that we obey the leading of God's Spirit in each instance.

Father God, help us to be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks us to explain our trust in You; but also help us not to react with humanitarian compulsion, and to play the savior to the world around us. Teach us the balance between enabling and unconditional love.

Help our walk to be so righteous before You that anyone who slanders us will in turn be ashamed of their behavior (1 Peter 3:15-16). Thank You for creating us in the image of the Trinity and for engraving our name on the palm of Your hands (Isaiah 49:16).

Thought for the Day:
God's Spirit in us is infinitely greater than the many boundaries confining our human abilities; therefore, as we are led by God's Spirit each moment of our day, we accomplish the greater works that God calls us to perform.
- John 14:12