Sunday, May 27, 2018

Living, Moving and Experiencing Life in Christ

Pink Petaled Flowers

Wherever the Spirit of God leads us, He is there with us. If we are wise enough to listen to His guidance, He works in us and through us. We live, move and experience life, not through our human reasoning, but through Christ in us (Galatians 2:20).

We are more than enough, because Christ abides within us. Jesus is our Living Water and our Bread of Life. We have no lack, because He supplies all of our needs from His glorious riches (John 4:10, 6:35, 7:37-39; Philippians 4:19).

Our self-life died with Jesus on Calvary's cross, and we now abide in Him as He dwells in us. We live, move and experience life through His eyes and by His direction (Acts 17:28).

God uses us in our vocation, our neighborhood, our family, our community, our church family, etc., in order to achieve His will in us and through us. We are actually living in God's Kingdom right now.

God's Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy, which comes to us when we walk in the Spirit (Mark 1:15; Romans 14:17). We function in the spiritual realm when we walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:15-25).

We rejoice as we see Christ in us pour out His life through us to a lost and dying world. The issues in this life, which we used to think were so important, fade away and lose their meaning in our life.

We are ambassadors for God's Kingdom, sharing the Gospel of Christ at every opportunity that God provides for us; so that He can make His appeal to them, and love the world through us (2 Corinthians 5:20).

Father God, You are our all sufficiency. Without You, we have nothing, with You we contain everything we need for a life filled with joy and peace, regardless of the circumstances in our life. Thank You for allowing Your rivers of living water to flow out of us to a dry and thirsty people living all around us (John 7:37-39).

Use us for Your glory each moment of our life and let Your light shine out of us as a beacon to our family, friends, and community all around us. Remind us that as Your holy temple, with Christ dwelling in us by Your Holy Spirit, we can view our world as You see it, not to fulfill our desires and goals, but to further Your Kingdom on this earth.

Thought for the Day:
We can look to God and hear His voice through each moment of our life - doing His will, walking in accordance with His Spirit and sharing His love and His Gospel with everyone we meet.