Whenever we live outside of God’s will, incalculable
anguish and desolation are inevitable both in this life, as well as in the
next. As we pray without ceasing all through the day, God's Spirit is ever
present to instruct us.
He gives us the advantage of having the opportunity
to live in His joy and peace on earth and for eternity. Those who refuse His
offer choose to spend eternity suffering more than they are ever hurting now
(John 3:18).
Sometimes, people give up trying to discern God's
voice after only making a few attempts to follow His will. They are frustrated,
because they somehow cannot hear His directions.
Others do not even try to consult God for His plans
(Proverbs 3:5-6), because they are afraid that they will miss out on some illusory
yearning that they counted on satisfying (Ecclesiastes 5:1).
If only they had waited a little longer and walked
with God a little further, the effort of their obedience would bring more
lasting rewards than they are expecting to receive without Him (1 Samuel
God's blessings always exceed our expectations and
desires. They are abundantly more amazing than anything that we could ever
request from Him or imagine in our mind.
We may not know ahead of time where God is leading
us, or what the outcome may be; but as long as we know and trust Him, we can
freely follow Him and His will for each moment of our day.
God's blessings are always much better and more
fulfilling than anything we can provide for our self. Once we totally surrender
to God, even the angels is heaven rejoice for us (Luke 15:10).
Father God, help us to take our eyes off the
results of our efforts, and to realize that obedience is what You are looking
for from us. Help us to love You with a heart of full devotion, not distracted
by the temptation of worldly pleasure, praise, glory or earthly benefits.
We want to do Your will in everything that we think,
say and do during each and every day of our life. We give You the glory for
every positive consequence we receive from our efforts in life, and we return
back to You, all of the praise that we receive.
Thought for the Day:
God gives His presence to us, so that we may have
the faith to give our self totally to Him.