Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Finding a Bible Believing Church

red flowers in bloom

When we move to a new location, it is often hard to decide which church to attend. We may be drawn to the largest church, thinking that they must be right since they are so big and have so many ministries for members and for the community.

Visiting around to several churches in your local area is always a good way to take the spiritual temperature of your options. Make an appointment to meet the Pastor, and ask for their "statement of faith." If they do not have one, ask for their "constitution," which should include what they believe.

Their stance on several issues is very important. Do they believe that Jesus is God who came to earth in human form? Our Emmanuel - both God and the only begotten Son of God. Asking if Jesus was born by the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary is another vital piece of information.

Ask them if there is any other way to get to heaven besides trusting in Jesus as our Savior; is the Bible the inspired and infallible Word of God; do they have a cross in their sanctuary; do they preach about repentance and about Jesus taking our sin and giving us His righteousness?

Then, ask if they believe that we can lose our salvation. If they do, then they are basing Salvation on works, and not only on the shed blood of Jesus. This negates what Jesus did for us on the cross, and making us our own savior, rather than Jesus.

Saying a prayer for forgiveness out of conviction, and even getting baptized, do not guarantee our Salvation. If we do not make a commitment to believe in Jesus as the Christ, and if our life is not changed by conversion from our old life, we are not Born Again (Acts 2:38-39, 16:31).

Finding a church family with a similar worldview, Biblical understanding, evangelical outreach into the world, and who have a converted mindset as new creations in Christ will give us a "home" in which to worship together with fellow, authentic Believers.

Father God, Your plan to save mankind was to send the Lord Jesus to vanquish sin and death by His triumph over them on Calvary’s cross. He is now our Victory as we walk in Him. Eternal life is to know You in an intimate relationship provided for us through Christ, who abides within us by Your Spirit. We are united with You in Christ (John 17:21-23; Galatians 2:20). He is our whole life (Colossians 3:3-4).

As You are, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17). You express Yourself through Your Body as we live, move and have our being in You (Acts 17:28). Help us during times of transition to stand firm on Your Word, and to find a Body of Believers that does the same thing. Jesus is our pearl of great price, and we treasure our relationship with Your Trinity (Matthew 13:44-46).

Thought for the Day:
Many people work FOR God, but He does not work IN and THROUGH them; they were not changed inwardly as well as outwardly; even Bible scholars are not saved unless they surrender their life to God, believe God's Word in its entirety, and have been Born Again - otherwise all they have is head knowledge and not a spiritual heart relationship.
- Matthew 7:21-23; Ephesians 4:14-15; John 5:39-40