Saturday, April 4, 2020

Spirit-led Emotions

full moon behind a tree silhouettes

God gave us our emotions. They are not a fault, a weakness, or an abnormality. They are healthy and important to us all. Our emotions usually come from our thoughts. Some people bury their emotions and lose touch with this vital part of our self.

Therefore, we are wise to consider our thoughts and emotions throughout the day. We can feel them, find the source of them, and pray about what to do about them. God helps us not to react in negative emotions, gives us wisdom to find the root source of our feelings, and helps us to resolve any issues that need solving.

Impulsive reactions to our thoughts and emotions may wound our self, our loved ones, or irritate those in authority over us. Rather than to react with a negative emotion, we wisely think about how we are feeling, discover the source, and seek God's purpose through them.

We may be neglecting our self in some area, responding from past trauma through them, or hiding behind them in order to protect our self from future abuse. Then, we over-react, attempt to control the situation, and/or build walls around our responses and continue to neglect our own needs.

When confronted with a decision or asked for our opinion, especially if we feel negative emotions rise up in our soul, we do not have to respond instantly. We can say that we are going to pray about our answer before we give it.

This gives us time to journal our feelings and thoughts, chat with our mentor, and consult the Lord for His direction (Proverbs 3:5-6) in order to respond in His peace rather than with our negative emotions. We can pray about how we feel, and ask God to show us the reason that we automatically responded that way.

When we return to the conversation, we are able to calmly express how we think, as well as how we feel, and then to express what we believe is God's direction for us in this circumstance. If this disagrees with what the other person feels that God is directing him/her to do, we can pray together about a third alternative agreeable to both of us.

Father God, give us responses to express in love with other individuals with whom we are interacting. We want to respond, rather than to react, so that we can foster good will toward one another rather than to hurt each other's feelings. Help us to stay calm, even when we feel nothing but turmoil within.

Remind us that this will enable us to kindly express the thoughts stirring up our negative emotions and to work together to find that third alternative in which we both feel Your peace. Teach us how to show respect for each other's humanity, and to consider one another's needs. We want to walk in Your will for us and to glorify You in everything that we think, say and do.

Thought for the Day:
We can avoid compulsive behavior reactions, and our penchant to spew destructive words and actions by giving our self time to individually pray about our thoughts and feelings, and then to pray together about God's solution and resolution to the issues that we face.