Thursday, April 9, 2020

Spiritually Focused Balance in Life

gray concrete road top between green trees

If our focus in life is consumed with the natural aspects, our spirit will suffer, and our body and soul will endure deprivation as well. We often fill our life with busyness that is useless and detrimental to our relationship with God.

If we primarily focus on the fleshly, carnal aspects of our life – even positive things such as our job, church, family and hobbies - they become idols. If we only focus on religious aspects of life, we grow self-righteous and judgmental.

Our soul requires times of leisure and recreation in order to maximize its effectiveness. If our soul does not prosper, our body and spirit will suffer also (3 John 1:2). Yet, we often waste our time, energy and finances by pursuing unrighteous worldly pleasures.

It is the type of activity, and the amount of time and money we put into it, that determines whether or not we are actually catering to our flesh. Any aspect of life that we think we cannot do without becomes an idol.

Many people have a tendency to look at life with an all or nothing attitude. We think that to enjoy the features of living on this earth is to be earthly-minded; and to pray, read the Bible, and do Christian work is to live a holy, spiritually-minded life.

Although there is some truth in this, the reality is that God created all good things for us to enjoy (1 Timothy 6:17). He put us on this diverse and beautiful planet so that creation would point us to Him (Romans 1:20). As we enjoy creation, we see His glory and majesty surrounding us.

God also gives us talents in music, mechanics, woodworking, giving, art, engineering, plumbing, caring, teaching, technology, preaching, serving, etc. We actually balance out these earthly pursuits with a spiritual mind, as we do them all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Father God, You gave each of us gifts to use for Your glory (Romans 12:6; 1 Timothy 6:17). You did not give them to us so that we could use them in an effort to please You by self-righteousness. Rather, we do all things through the strength and energy that You supply for us. You give us gifts and talents, so that You can use them through us.

In this way, we cannot take any credit, but we will give You all of the glory and power forever and ever (Romans 2:8-9; 1 Peter 4:10-11). You even give us comfort in our trials and troubles, so that You can comfort others through us (2 Corinthians 1:4). Remind us that if we trust in our own abilities and wealth, we will fail; but as we step aside and allow You to bless others through us, we will prosper as well (Proverbs 11:28; Philippians 2:12-13).

Thought for the Day:
We are only consumed by our human nature if we refuse to allow God to reveal Christ in us according to His good pleasure; we eventually learn how to do everything, even mundane things like what we eat and drink, for God's glory.
– Ephesians 1:9; 1 Corinthians 10:31