Saturday, April 11, 2020

Moment by Moment - Alone with God

red flower arrangement on white table

In our quest for more intimacy with God, we spend time each day by sitting quietly in our prayer closet and listening to the voice of our Beloved Lord. If we fail to spend time alone (all-one) with God in quietude and silence, we will never hear Him in the midst of the chaos and noisy activity of our day.

In our quiet time, we also write down in our journal whatever wisdom God gives us about our day, life, relationships and duties. We write down praises and prayer requests too. Then, we seek Him for His to-do list for us, which helps in prioritizing our day (Proverbs 3:5-6, 16:3).

This is why a daily quiet time of praise, devotion, and meditation in God’s Word is so important. We encounter God on a personal level. As we emerge from our quiet time, we do not leave Him behind. We stay in His presence. All through the day, we radiate joy, and walk in His calm peace, even in the midst of difficulties.

In this union with our Father, we realize the extent of His love for us as His unique child. Then, as we leave our secret place, we pay attention to what we see and hear in each moment of time. Our intimacy grows sweeter each day and we revel in His presence in every area of our life.

Most of the time people function in the present moment on automatic pilot. Usually our thoughts are either on the past or the future. Neither of those topics is very useful for the present moment. The trauma of the past and the fear of the future have no place in the present moment (Psalm 22:8).

As we sit in His presence, God removes our shame for past failures and assures us that we have no worries about the future. We are safe and secure in His arms in this present moment, even if the circumstances around us are full of turmoil, pain and conflict.

God makes all things work together for our good, even if we experience something unpleasant (Romans 8:28). As we dwell in the moment, we become increasingly conscious of our union with God through Jesus Christ by His Holy Spirit and we walk in His victory throughout the day, regardless of our circumstances (Colossians 3:3).

Father God, the problem we often have with living in the present moment is that we are hurt by the past and fearful of the future
(1 Peter 4:19). As we cast our concerns on Your capable shoulders (Psalm 55:22; 1 Peter 5:7), You deal with the painful parts of our past. You often even lead us to a counselor who functions in the ministry of inner healing.

You also help us to begin the process of relinquishing our fears and entering into Your rest (Hebrews 4:10). As we focus on Your Word and meditate on Biblical verses You bring to our mind during the day, we find our peace restored (Philippians 4:5-7). Without faith, it is impossible to please You; therefore, as we come to You, let us believe that You are our Almighty God, and that You want to reward everyone who diligently seeks You (Hebrews 11:6).

Thought for the Day:
Once we repent, we are saved, and the past is over and forgiven; therefore, dwelling on it only hinders the present; and we are not promised a future, so dwelling on the future is also futile; God’s gift to us is this present moment, and what we do with it is our gift back to Him.