Thursday, October 1, 2020

Be Quick to Hear


Red Roses


Listening to each other is a lost art in these modern times. We either want to dominate the conversation with our monologues to communicate our own thoughts, ideas and wisdom, or we are so rushed that we do not want to take the time to listen to other people.


Giving our undivided attention to another human being is one of the greatest gifts we can bestow on each other. When we actively listen, this choice communicates to them that they matter and have value, that we care, and that their concerns are important to us.


Paying full attention to what the person is saying is what really matters when we listen. In “active listening” we mirror the person’s words back to them. We may find it irritating to have to “repeat” what we hear the other person saying, but there are alternative methods to communicate our interest and concern than this particular technique. 


Looking at the person, leaning forward in our chair, putting down our phone and closing our computer, and sitting or standing to face them in order for them to see the empathy in our face are just a few ways to say, “I care.” We listen deeply rather than merely superficially.


Focusing on the tone of their words, their body language, and mirroring the emotions they exhibit as they speak will communicate to them our respect for them. We want them to know that we are genuinely interested in what they have to say.


We do not want to interrupt their train of thought, but after they are done speaking, we can ask questions to clarify what they are saying, and we can ask them to tell us more about something they mentioned. This also helps us to convey our interest to them.


We should never give examples of incidences that we experienced that we consider worse than what they are going through. This belittles their concerns and makes them feel foolish. However, we can say that we experienced a similar event and that we can relate to what they are saying.



Father God, teach us to genuinely care about the people that You bring into our life. Even the stranger that we encounter out in public often needs a listening ear in order to vent their pent-up concerns. Remind us that once they are able to verbalize their anxieties to us, they will be better able to hear Your voice within their spirit directing them in the way that they should go.


We want to share Your agape love with everyone we meet. Even strangers are simply potential friends and sojourners in this world. Teach us that a simple act of showing concern for their feelings and fears will lighten their load, because they realize that they are not alone, and that someone actually cares enough to attentively listen to them.


Thought for the Day:

Showing our empathetic emotion through our non-verbal responses is a helpful way to communicate to others that we hear what they are saying; we should never feel the need to solve their problems for them, but we can always offer to pray with them about their issues once they finish talking.

- James 1:19