Monday, October 12, 2020

The Road Less Traveled

Shallow Focus Photograph of Daisy Flower 

There are two paths to take in this life: the broad road, and the narrow road. The broad road is paved with conventional wisdom, worldly standards, and leads to destruction. This road seems pleasant to many, but is full of stress, striving and the spinning of our wheels.


The narrow road is paved with the blood of Jesus and leads to eternal life in the paradise of God (Revelation 2:7). Adam and Eve originally cased this eutopia to close, when they chose to follow demonic advice, rather than to trust in the goodness of God. However, Jesus’ sacrifice won it back for us.


We choose our road according to our desires, goals, and level of pride, rebellion, and self-centeredness. The world and the devil continually vie with the Spirit of God to claim our soul for eternity. Our humanism demands to understand before we believe, and there is too much mystery in Biblical truth for some to fully embrace it.


Once we realize, however, that the devil’s goals are to steal, to destroy and to kill us (John 10:10), and that Christ laid down His life to redeem us, the decision is easier to make. Satan helped the first man to bring sin, death and suffering into this world. Jesus came to set us free from this destruction.


God’s Word clearly explains that Satan and his demons came from rebellious angelic beings who originated in the Kingdom of God. It also uses many authors to describe our fallen human state, and to clearly show us that Jesus is the only way, truth and life (John 14:6). 


Those who humble themselves and decide to live by faith in the unseen aspects of truth will always choose the narrow road that leads to life (Matthew 7:13-14). Once they do, Jesus sets them free from sinful confines and boundaries in order to enjoy the multitude of blessings inherent through adoption into the family of God.



Father God, in these end times, we realize that there remains no country or people group that can claim the title of Christian. This modern age has little understanding of who You are and what Jesus actually did for us. Help us to be more pro-active in sharing Your Gospel with everyone who will listen – not through bombastic or invasive methods, but through genuinely caring for their physical needs and by sharing with them what we experience in Your truth.


There is a remnant of authentic Believers around the globe who are willing to take Your road less traveled, although it means ostracization from family, friends and neighbors, as well as persecution in increasing parts of the world. Thank You that we are willing to do so, because we have the assurance of Christ’s presence in us even in tribulation. We know without a doubt that He abides within us and walks with us every step of the way.


Thought for the Day:

Once we reach a point in life when conviction and endless failure prove to us that rejecting Jesus no longer makes sense, we are more willing to humble our self and fully submit to Him; we recognize that Christ is the bridge across the vast divide between humanism and holiness.