Friday, October 2, 2020

Seeking God

 Person Holding Yellow Black-eyed Susan Flowers in Bloom


With His whole heart, God wants us to reach out to Him, to seek Him, and perhaps to find Him - although He is never far from any of us (Acts 17:27). As authentic, Born Again Believers, we realize that Christ abides within us. Since we are curious human beings, He is waiting on us to search for Him with our whole heart, so that we can find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). 


God cares for us more than anyone does, more than anyone ever did, more than anyone ever will. We find our security in Him, our provision in Him, our peace in Him, our joy in Him, and our eternal guarantee in Him. He is even cheering on the skeptic to completely trust in Him.


He is our sustainer, our ever-present help in time of need, our Alpha and Omega, our redeemer and salvation, our bright and morning star, our perfect Lamb of God, our Rose of Sharon, our way and truth and life. He is all that we need. He knows who we are, where we are, and what we are doing at all times.


God is never remote from us, because His Trinity always abides within us. He wants what is best for us. In the beginning, God created Paradise in which He desired that we dwell continually. Adam and Eve forfeited that right for us, but Jesus won it back. The new heaven and earth will be a eutopia for us once again.


God’s unparalleled love for us gives us peace, joy, security, and hope to weather any circumstance that comes our way. We do not merely survive these times, but we triumph over them and in them through Christ in us who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13).


He invites us to leave all of our concerns in His capable hands, so that He can work out everything we need in His timing and way (Psalm 55:22; Romans 8:28). He may not provide as we expect Him to, but He always comes through for us in a manner that is even better than we ever expected.



Father God, teach us to rely only on You, rather than on our human resources, to trust You with all of our cares, to obey Your Spirit’s direction every moment of our day, and to praise You with every breath that we take. We know that You care about us, because You sent Your only begotten Son to the cross to pay the penalty for our sins in our place.


You are so attentive to our every need, plea for help, and struggle that we encounter. We are so grateful to You, and we feel so sad for those who reject You and miss out on Your provision and nurture for them. Help us to have holy boldness to share Your love for us with those You bring our way. We want to be ever-vigilant to minister to others as You minister to us.


Thought for the Day:

When we enjoy the presence of God in our life, people can tell that there is something different about us; some may be angry that we walk in peace when their life is so hard, some may be jealous of the joy that we feel regardless of our circumstances, and some may decide that they want to enjoy a similar relationship with God; so it is good for us to know how to share our faith with others, and how to lead them to humble themselves and to trust in Jesus for their life too.