Sunday, December 27, 2020

A Good Marriage – Growing Together

 Four Orange Jellyfish Wallpaper


The couple who laughs together, stays together. Sharing humor is a key aspect of unity for couples. We can even laugh at our self rather than being overly sensitive and clamming up or starting an argument. People who share their life with someone they really care about will cherish each other and show compassion to one another.


Wanting things done our way, rather than finding a third alternative that we both feel peaceful about, is detrimental. Going the extra mile for each other makes us feel loved. Even the smallest, thoughtful courtesy makes our mate feel happy, cared about and secure. 


Sharing interests, showing appreciation to one another, and reveling in our relationship helps us to value our union. Finding hobbies that we both will enjoy gives us time shared and fun things to do that bring us together. We support each other, encourage our successes, and grieve together in our losses.


We revel in the joy of our partner’s achievements and build a life together where we both obey God’s Spirit. Affection between spouses is one of the most fulfilling emotions available to us in life. Loving our family is more important than getting that promotion, finding vocational success, pursuing our hobbies, or hanging out with friends. 


Drawing near to God and resisting Satan’s lies together is the best strategy for a fulfilling marriage. Finding and maintaining love takes effort and dedication. Therefore, taking the time to share attention, affection, and physical touch keeps our relationship fresh, strong and exciting. Keeping our love alive is a daily choice. 



Father God, thank You for helping us to maintain a unity filled with trust, time, attention, joy, honest communication, focused listening, patience, compassion, generosity, and consideration. Help us to change our habits that irritate our spouse and to make dating a priority so that we can experience a deeper more satisfying relationship.


Help us to stay faithful to our marriage vows and commitment to each other. We want to encourage each other, not discourage each other; but at times we do not feel well or have some rough spots in our life, so help us to forgive each other quickly. Help us also to put each other’s well-being above our own, but without neglecting our own needs. Thank you for creating marriage for our blessing.


Thought for the Day:

True love involves valuing and accepting each other with joy, respect, compassion, interest, forgiveness and patience; honestly wanting our spouse to be part of our life until our dying day will always increase our feelings of security, happiness, fulfillment and enjoyment of our mate.