Thursday, December 31, 2020

Saved from the Brink of Hell

 Man Doing Surfing at Golden Hour


We can thank God for not answering some of our prayers in the manner in which we expect. He keeps us from many unpleasant circumstances by diverting His answer in ways that are different than what we wanted and for which we prayed. Our Father always knows best.


The unsaved world around us will act in a manner in keeping with their natural ways. Believers find offense at many of the things they say and do; however, how can they act any differently without the Holy Spirit sanctifying them? In order to impact their life for Christ, it is imperative for us to accept them just as they are.


Jesus loved us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8), and we can show others this same consideration. Taking a sincere interest in their life - their triumphs and their defeats, their affluence and their poverty, their health and their sickness will speak volumes to them.


This allows us opportunities to share with them what Jesus did for us, and how He longs to change their life as well. We can potentially save them years of disappointment, loneliness and depression just by showing an interest in their well-being today. 


Jesus went out of His way to have dinner with the Publicans, tax collectors and sinners. He even called little Zacchaeus out of the tree and went home with him, to the shock of the self-righteous people of His day. Jesus did not discriminate, and neither should we (Luke 19:10).


We can be a light to show others out of their darkness, a level path to lead them away from the wide road that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13), and a warm heart to give them hope in a hopeless situation. Broken lives are mended by God’s Agape love that abides within us through His Holy Spirit.



Father God, Your grace and mercy sought us out of Satan’s clutches and saved us from the brink of hell. Even while we were still sinners, You loved us (Romans 5:8); and You formulated a plan for our life before we were even born (Ephesians 2:10). We praise You with every breath that we take, and we cherish Your eternal presence within us.


Share Your heart with us as we consider the unsaved multitude living all around us. Give us Your grace to love the unlovable, to have patience with the irritating, and to lay our life down for the downtrodden. Share with us Your perspective and wisdom so that we know how to reach the lost for Your Kingdom, just as You reached out to save us. 


Thought for the Day:
All of heaven rejoices when one person repents of their sins and chooses to believe in our Lord Jesus as their own Savior and Lord; we can rejoice too, as we commit to love others with unconditional Agape love, regardless of their words and actions; God gives us mercy and grace – unearned love and favor – and we can love others this same way.