Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Peace in a Scary World

 Man Standing on Cliff Watching Punch-bowl Waterfalls


When my daughter could not fall asleep during the "monsters under the bed" years, I painted a picture of a fawn in a field of flowers, and I put the following verse on the bottom of the page, because it always gave me peace in this scary world of ours:

“Whenever I am afraid, I will put my trust in you, God” (Psalm 56:3). 


A few months later, my children were playing Hide-n-Seek in the country with friends. One little boy was sitting in a field crying, and my daughter ran to see if she could help him. He was afraid of the dark, so she shared this verse with him, and they prayed together for him to have peace. 


Then they both ran off to play some more. That night, the child's older brother was having a nightmare. The mother told me that when she ran into her son’s room, the little brother was kneeling by the older boy and sharing this verse with him. We can all share with others the verses in God’s Word that change our life. 


There are so many verses, that it is good to keep a list of our “life-saver” verses to share at a moment’s notice. We never know when one of them will save a life, encourage a Believer, give needed inspiration, change a worldview or the course of someone’s direction, etc.


God’s Word inspires all of us to grow in our faith, to mature in our spiritual progress, to submit to God’s plans for our life, and to make Jesus the center of our life (Colossians 3:3-4). By its own admission, the Word is alive, powerful and able to help us to discern between our flesh and our spirit (Hebrews 4:12).


God cares about every aspect of our life (1 Peter 5:7). He covers us with His sheltering wings and allows us to get up close and personal to Him all day and night long (Psalm 91). We can trust in His trustworthiness, call on Him to help us through trials big and small, and share His attributes with anyone willing to listen.



Father God, we seek You early, late and continually all day long (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Our soul – our thoughts, emotions and choices – thirst for Your living water. Our body longs for You, as if we are in the middle of a parched, desert land (Psalm 42:1-2, 63:1-11; Isaiah 55:1-6). We draw near to You, and we cleanse our hands and purify our heart, so that we do not walk as a double-minded soul between the counterfeit world of the flesh and the reality of Your Spirit (James 4:8).


Thank You that You chose Jesus to give us Your Spirit and glory, so that we can be one with You and Your Body, just as You and He are one (John 17:22-23). You often answer our call to You before we are even done praying about it (Isaiah 65:24; Jeremiah 33:3). Thank You for always hearing us, even in the little things like a jar lid that will not open, or big things like removing the pain associated with the illnesses, accidents and surgeries, which we experience. 


Thought for the Day:

God always has our best interest in mind, and He works all things out for our ultimate good as He draws us to Himself through His everlasting love and kindness; therefore, whatever we do, even what we eat and drink, we do it all for His glory, and we put our trust in Him during the good times and the scary times, as we focus our faith on His promises and faithfulness.

- Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 8:28; Jeremiah 31:3; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Psalm 56:3-4