Thursday, December 10, 2020

Trusting in Christ Alone

Pink Gerbera Flower in Closeup Photography


One of the satanic lies that is prolific in our world today is, “I am not enough.” Many people suffer from this insecurity and limiting parameter; therefore, they struggle their whole life trying to feel like they truly are enough – good enough, strong enough, smart enough, etc. They endure crippling stress in order to reach this status.


God’s truth is that our sinful humanity will never be enough, but He sent our Savior to change all of that, when Jesus paid our sin debt. Now, His presence in us, as well as His power through us, sets us free from all debilitating lies and human limitations. 


Our daily life is full of joys and sorrows, as well as easy moments and hard ones. However, God gives us courageous confidence, because we can do everything that He calls us to do by the power of His presence within us (2 Corinthians 12:9; Philippians 4:13). 


In Christ, our failings are often what God uses the most for His Kingdom in our ministry on this earth. We have no need to be afraid; and we can actually live with assurance, because the Lord our God is with us wherever we go, in whatever we think, and in whatever we feel (Joshua 1:9). 


Our emotions often take us on a roller-coaster ride with plenty of hills and valleys. We may vacillate between depression and victory, or anxiety and peace, until we start to walk in the Spirit and trust God with our whole heart in each moment of time (Proverbs 3:5-6). 


We can heal from, and then let go of the trauma of our past, in order to go on into our future without its baggage. God calls us to learn from our past and to embrace our future. Giving God the glory for His blessings in our life and having a heart full of gratitude is an important aspect of living in victory (Philippians 4:6).



Father God, we come to You with a heart full of praise for who You are and all that You mean to us. Thank you for being in us and with us regardless of our circumstances (Isaiah 41:10; Joshua 1:9). Help us to take the time to notice the hugs that You give to us each moment of the day that personally mean so much to each one of us individually. 


You strengthen our faith in order to help us to overcome the fear that satanic lies stir up in our heart. Even when circumstances surround us and we feel helpless, we never lose our hope in You, because You prove Your faithfulness to us day after day. We especially thank You for Your presence in our life, and for the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. 


Thought for the Day:

In the middle of the fiercest storm, Jesus is always there to calm the threatening tempest for us; yet if we completely realize that He is in the same boat with us, we can trust in His presence and never have a moment of worry or experience any anxiety or stress in our life regardless of our circumstances. 

- Mark 4:35-41