Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Our Innate Needs

 Pink and Green Flower Petals


Human Beings have an innate need to be heard, taken seriously, understood, recognized, protected, and secure. We appreciate having dialogue and not simply a monologue to listen to during a conversation. We enjoy having respect as an individual with value of our own. We want to help to make all decisions with results and consequences that affect our life. 


Our personal relationship with God is guaranteed to fulfill all of these desires; however, our interaction with other people does not always provide fulfillment of these needs. God alone delivers us from the portals of death, keeps each of our tears in a bottle, records the reason for them in His book, and protects us from stumbling in our walk with Him (Psalm 116:8).


God is the same – yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He shows no partiality among His Saints. He loves us unconditionally and eternally. He is always near to us – even within our spirit, and He always knows our desires even before we do (Psalm 37:4). He eagerly waits for us to trust Him and to make our requests known to Him, so that He can provide for our needs (Romans 8:19).


Through every milestone in life, we never need to doubt if God cares for us. His Word promises that He does (1 Peter 5:7). The issue here is not His lack of immediate responses, but our faith in His faithfulness, our acceptance with joy for His will for every instance we experience, and our patience to wait on His timing and plans.



Father God, thank You for Your gracious, compassionate, and holy response to all of our needs. You protect us when we worry, and You save us when we are drowning in our various circumstances (Psalm 116:5-7). Quiet our doubts and fears that are fed by satanic lies, teach us how to trust in You alone when we have questions that do not seem to have any answers (Psalm 116:16).


Thank You for your continual vigil over our well-being (Psalm 121:1-4). Your presence abiding in us showers us with Your love, peace and joy regardless of our circumstances. Help us to take Your yoke on our shoulders, so we can yoke up with You as You help us to carry our burdens (Matthew 11:29). Our confidence in Your goodness and compassion grows with each passing trial. Teach us to seek first Your presence and Kingdom, knowing that You will always provide for us everything that we need (Matthew 6:33).


Thought for the Day:

We love the Lord, because He always hears our voice when we cry out to Him with pleas for His intervention; He bends down His ear to hear us, and we can call on Him for as long as we live.

- Psalm 116:1-2