Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Getting Ahead

Butterfly Perched on Flower


What does it take to get ahead in this world? A promotion, making partner, earning raises, moving across town or the world, going to work early and staying late, taking advantage of volunteer programs, getting a bachelor or a masters or a doctorate degree, etc.


Yet, what do these extra efforts earn for us? More hours at work and less time with family, added stress in our life, neglecting or getting irritated with our loved ones, compromising our ideals, doing something illegal once in a while, less time for ministries and Bibles studies at our local church, lying to customers or clients, etc. 


We grow more unhappy with each passing day and tire of the “rat race.” We feel like hamsters running endlessly on a revolving wheel. We make new plans and dream bigger dreams, but never find the fulfillment that calms our soul and fills our heart with joy. Only following God’s purpose for our life can do that (Proverbs 19:21).


As we walk in the Spirit, God works out every aspect of our life for our ultimate good, and we walk in His calling that He planned for us before we were even born (Proverbs 3:5-6; Romans 8:28). We truly get ahead and find fundamental gratification by following His purpose for us (Ephesians 2:10).


There are so many testimonies of people who actually lived out God’s plan for them, and their efforts are still bearing fruit in our world years and years later – even after their death. Some of these people we may never hear about, but they are inducted into God’s eternal Hall of Fame (Hebrews 11).


We do our best in everything that God calls us to do; whether it is to teach a class, preach a sermon, cook a meal, wash dishes, help a neighbor in need, plant a garden to share our bounty with others, volunteer in a soup kitchen, carry out our work priorities, etc.


God plans every moment of our day, and as we follow the leading of His Spirit through each one of them, we find more peace, joy and fulfillment than anything that this world has to offer to us. Our intimacy with God grows, and we experience the bounty of His love for us.



Father God, thank You for giving us Your Word with detailed instructions on how to succeed in surviving on this earth. We want to make a difference in people’s lives for Your Kingdom. Help us to fully understand the purpose that You have for our individual life and how to influence people for Your Kingdom. Give us divine appointments to help others who are on the treadmill of life to come to the saving knowledge of Your plan for their life.


You put us in the right place at the right time to step up and share Your love with other people, to meet their physical needs as Your Spirit directs us in each circumstance, and then to share the Gospel with them to meet their spiritual needs as well. When they see the level of our care for them, they will be more open to receive Your care for them as well. We love You with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength.


Thought for the Day:

The word “joy” has been used by many as an acrostic to remind us to spend our life serving:




We do not neglect our self, but we place our love for Jesus and the needs of others before our own.