Monday, February 22, 2021

Cultivating God’s Presence within Us

 Assorted-color Flowers


What makes you feel loved by God? Is it the major supernatural events with which He blesses your life, or the little everyday things and the trails and troubles too? God gives us assurance and affirmation, confirmation and comfort all throughout every day.


Maybe He causes your favorite bird to land in the tree in your yard, or when He has Your favorite foods on sale at the store, or when He speaks to you from a Bible verse, or the numbers on the clock, or the words from a song, or a comment by a total stranger, etc. God continually blesses us in a multitude of ways that we often overlook.


God also speaks to us through His Word, His people, a TV or radio preacher, our pastor, and by His Holy Spirit speaking truth into our spirit. He often likes us to “be still and just acknowledge that He is our God” (Psalm 46:10), without any communication at all. We just hang out together in companionable silence.


We can also appreciate God’s gifts, talents and strong points that manifest in our spouse, children, neighbors, church family, and natural extended family. Cherishing each other is the greatest gift we can give and receive, especially when we accept each other just as we are – idiosyncrasies and all.


God gives us His protection too, by using our spouse, parents, adult children, neighbors, church family, and supernatural answers to our prayers. After stubbing her toe on the vacuum in the dark, my friend, a nurse, prayed to see her favorite doc during her work hours. She did, the very next morning at work, and he x-rayed and found three breaks in one toe and treated it.


All humans are flawed, so we can expect each other to let us down now and again. We also have their strengths that we can draw from to cover our own weaknesses. God will give us wisdom and compassion to build each other up, rather than to tear one another down. Communication and our attention are major keys in keeping our relationships vital and our connection to God viable.



Father God, help us to see the good in our day that You and our spouse, family, friends and neighbors provide for us. We do not want to overlook Your blessings in our life any longer. We want to be pleasant, positive, productive and patient rather than to spiral down into the pit of gloom and ingratitude. Help us to focus on Your generous hand in our life.


As we serve You and one another in love, we receive a whole new mindset and focus on life in general. We can spend time outdoing one another in expressing our love for each other as an outpouring of Your love upon those around us. Keep us focused on how we each are maturing spiritually rather than on how far we still need to grow; however most importantly, help us to draw nearer to Your presence within us each and every day.


Thought for the Day:

We feel the most loved by God when He supports us in spite of the fact that we cannot earn or deserve His blessings; we love Him because He first loved us, even when we were still sinners.

- Ephesians 2:8-9; 1 John 4:19, Romans 5:8