Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Developing Spiritual Maturity


Red Tulips in White Ceramic Vase


Our penchant to sin is often caused by an unfulfilled life, or an incomplete lifestyle. We have too much free time that allows Satan to infiltrate our mind with his lies and temptations that lead us away from the Lord and deeper into the devil’s evil clutches. 


Satan uses idle hands and minds as his workshop (Proverbs 16:27). Without a wholesome and meaningful lifestyle, vocation, church family, family life, fun hobbies, etc. we get bored, restless and itch for something exciting to do. Sin is the easiest tool to fill an unfulfilled life.


Idle lips also become his puppet for gossip and stirring up strife, which separate even the closest of spouses, friends and church family members (Proverbs 16:28). There is a remedy for this slippery slide into the abyss of demonic clutches, which often cause irreparable hurt and separation from those to whom God wants us to draw the closest. 


We are only complete through a relationship with Christ within us (Colossians 2:10). His Spirit inspires us and guides us to spiritual maturity and focus, a satisfying vocation, wholesome pastimes, and friends who share our desire to live a more Godly life in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 3:12-17). Our yearning to satisfy sinful desires decreases, and our fervor to promote the Kingdom of God increases.


God gives us His wisdom, strength, peace and joy even in the smallest and least important events in our life. We find joy in the inconsequential, rather than having to increase the danger and thrill of our hobbies in order to feel fulfilled. Our excitement comes from spending time with Him, rather than seeing how close we can get to sinning without crossing that line. 


Like the deer who pants after the water brook (Psalm 42:1-5), we thirst for intimacy with the Trinity of God within us. We yearn for more communion with God than we do with other people and thrill-seeking. We flee temptation and remove the causes or doorways to sin that remain in our life.



Father God, thank You that the closer we get to You, the less sin tempts us, and the thicker is the hedge of protection that You build around us (Job 1:10-12). We happily walk the straight and narrow road of Your security, rather than hungering after the broad way that leads to destruction and devastation. Instead of engaging in constant warfare with the devil, help us to seek virtue as we bring You joy with our life.


This eliminates much of the strife within our soul that causes us to compromise with sin as it strengthens our bond with You in both our spirit and our soul. Positive behavior replaces negative antics that compromise our spirit and soul. Remind us to increase our satisfaction in our relationship with You at the same time that we strength our love for You, so that we will discourage our flesh’s leaning toward sinful appetites.


Thought for the Day:

Detaching from sinful behavior will decrease our craving for the unholy and give us the determination and commitment to walk by God’s Spirit, which reduces our attraction to sin; therefore, developing spiritual maturity and constantly loving and worshipping God with our whole heart will ensure that we refrain from passionately participating in sin, which will grieve His Spirit.

- Galatians 5:15-35; Ephesians 4:30; Mark 12:30