Friday, February 19, 2021

Home is not a Place

 Reflection of Trees


Human beings will never be perfect, no matter how awesome they are. We all break promises, get grouchy or silent when we are tired and weary, make selfish decisions, and plan our own goals disregarding what God or our mate has planned. We all hurt one another, as is evidenced by those who separate from their spouse(s) and remarry over and over again.


Rushing into a marriage is never a good idea. We settle, we ignore red flags of warning, we marry for all of the wrong reasons, etc. Even if we get to know someone inside and out, we may think that we can change that person once we are married. This never works out – you get what you see, so see him/her through the eyes of the Spirit.


In reality, the only true lover of our soul is Jesus Christ. If we repent of our sins, and trust only in Him, He has our good planned out for every day of our life (Romans 8:28; Jeremiah 29:11). As we walk in His Spirit and obey His principles, we stay in the very center of His will for us. This is the happiest place on earth.


Home is not a residence, a building, a particular city, furniture or keepsakes. Home is in the presence of God’s Trinity abiding within us. We may be jailed for our beliefs, but “Home” goes with us. No one can separate us from God’s presence, and no one can ever take Him away from us (Romans 8:35-39).


Home on this earth can also be a person – that special person that loves God more than he/she loves us, and who loves us more than they love him/herself. This rare specimen of humanity is hard to find, but if we wait on God, He grows them up all around us and will lead us to that special person whom He designed just for us.



Father God, thank You for working in the life of everyone who submits his/herself to You. Your Spirit changes us from one stage of glory and perfection to the next (2 Corinthians 3:18). There are people like Enoch, whom You took home with You one day, and he never experienced death on this earth (Genesis 5:24). I wonder about all of the “missing” people from earth. Did You take some of them home with You too?


Life with You, under Your direction and walking in Your perfect plans for us, is such an adventure. We never tire of You using us to reach those in our sphere of influence who are humble enough to accept Your love. We wake up each morning in anticipation of what this new day in You holds for us, and we retire each night with praises on our lips for the mighty evidence of Your intense love for all of Your children.


Thought for the Day:

Usually, the word “home” is so comforting, reassuring, and raises positive emotions and thoughts; of course, if the only home we have known was abusive, then the opposite is true; but we all yearn for a home where we feel safe and secure, and when our home involves the love and care of our Father God, we always smile when we think of it, regardless of where it is.