Monday, July 22, 2013

Fruitful Lives


Every time we step out of God’s will for our life, we open our self up to experience unnecessary trials (John 15:6).  Only as we remain connected to the divinity of Christ in us and draw our spiritual, physical, emotional, mental and financial sustenance from Him, do we experience true eternal life and peace (Romans 8:6). As we abide in Him, the divine nature of Christ in us will deal with any trouble that comes into our life. We cast our self on Christ, as helpless trustees of His Kingdom, ready to depend on Him in all things.

Any anxiety, stress, fear or concern in our heart signals an idol in our life, which we did not yet fully surrender to God. We surrender it and then place our self trustingly into God’s capable hands for safekeeping and to use as He wills. We no longer take charge over our life, because God directs our steps (Psalm 37:23). We watch the hands of God mold us from a lump of clay, into a vessel of honor for His use. We start each new day fully surrendering to His ministrations of our every need.

Christ who is our life dwells within our spirit (Colossians 3:4). We do not isolate our self from life in order to abide fully in Christ. We follow the guidance of His Spirit moment by moment throughout the day. We live fruitful lives, which God uses to feed those who hunger after Him (John 15:5). We can still function in the vocation in which He calls us to serve. We simply do all things for His glory, no matter what our profession happens to be. We live through our spirit, as we work in our body and love Him with every fiber of our soul.

We abide in Christ and He abides in us (1 John 2:28, 3:24; Ephesians 2:10). We are completely surrounded by Christ, because we live in Him and He lives within us. Faith in God’s faithfulness frees our soul from the trials and worries of life. The abiding Christ in us liberates us from the endless draw from sin and the world. God keeps us in and through all evil (Matthew 6:13). Submission to God guarantees that if we resist the devil, he must flee from us (James 4:7-8).

Therefore, attaining perfection through Christ in us is definitely within our reach. In faith, we cease from our efforts to achieve, and instead we obey God’s Spirit each moment of the day. Sin is not inevitable. Christ in us can live a sinless life in, through and instead of us, because He keeps us from evil and protects our soul from slipping into sin (Psalm 121:7). We consciously die to our humanity each morning and abide in Christ throughout the day. If our flesh happens to lift its dead head, Christ will gain victory over it.

We rise to the level of Christ-centeredness, which God provided for us to enjoy. We live in joyful consecration to our living Lord. By faith, we obey God’s direction for each moment of our day. The bond of our branch to His Vine is secure (John 15:5). God establishes the heart of the humble and the blameless forever (Psalm 112:8). He constantly restore us and strengthen us to enjoy a solid and faithful walk in Him each day of our life (1 Peter 5:10).

Father God, the heroes in the Hebrews Hall of Faith all achieved this status because they obeyed You in the specific area in which You called them. There was no mustering up of volumes of faith, just obedience to Your call in their life. Your plan is for all of us to live in this same simple faith in Your faithfulness that strengthens our obedience. You establish us all as living stones, a holy priesthood, a royal nation and your chosen people (1 Peter 2:5,9).

Thought for the Day:
Commit each of your trials to our Father’s care and obey with faith in Him through each moment of it.