Saturday, July 6, 2013

Evening Shadows Fall


The world is increasingly hostile toward Christians, denying us freedoms and ridiculing our beliefs. We will experience many more temptations in the days and years to come to compromise our convictions and to make peace with the world. Few will stand up to the authorities like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did, even though they were threatened with death by fire (Daniel 3:17-18). Sinful pleasures, economic dependence, human praise and recognition, and reluctance to participate in conflict will influence many people to walk away from faithfulness to Christ.

The evening shadows are falling at the end of this Laodicean age (Jeremiah 6:4; Matthew 13:39-40). The rapture will soon usher in the Great Tribulation. Until then, following the leading of God’s Spirit may end us up in jail, threaten our very life and rip us away from our beloved family. Our family may even endure financial and physical burdens because of our decisions. How can we ever live with the guilt of causing their suffering? I am not referring here to being forced to end our religious rituals. In reality, many religious practices are superfluous and appeal more to the flesh than to the Spirit.

To give up religious practices is no hardship. However, there may come a moment in our lifetime where the authorities will demand that we deny our faith in Christ or die. There is no shame in standing up for our convictions. God will protect and provide for our family, just as He will care for us if we are imprisoned. He will send His ministering angels to take charge over us and to provide for us (Psalm 91:11; Hebrews 1:14). Many martyrs for Christ declared that He even protected them from feeling the physical pain of torture.

I can attest to this, because after a car accident that broke 11 of my ribs, my little finger, gave me half a face full of glass and punctured my lung, I was pain free and back to work in a week. It took three months for the bones to completely heal, but I never took one pain pill. God’s people never need to cower in shame or fear (Acts 5:19). We can stand boldly like Daniel in the lion’s den and the three young Hebrew men in the fiery furnace. God sent angels to close the mouths of Daniel’s lions; and Jesus was in the furnace with the bold, Hebrew youth. He is with us as well.

Even if we give our life for our faith, we will take our last breath on earth and our very next breath in heaven. However, now while America still gives us religious liberty, let us take advantage of these freedoms and proclaim our faith at every opportunity. It does not matter who hears us or what they think about us. Let us spur one another on to witness, by the thought that the day will come, and it may not be very far off, when sharing our faith will be prohibited in every country in the world, including America.

Father God, help us to live a life of consistent holiness as we trust You for our daily needs. You have a perfect plan for the end of this age, and we are blessed to live in such a time as this (Esther 4:14). Living a life that honors You will insure that Your faithfulness will see us through any turmoil in this world (1 Thessalonians 5:24). Fulfill Your desire for our life in us and through us, as we rest in Your love and follow Your Spirit’s guidance every moment of the day and night.

Thought for the Day:
Take a stand for Christ in each new day and allow your life to reflect His glory from within you.