Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Tyranny of Life


Too often we miss out on what God wants us to see in this one particular moment of time. We are so sad about something in the past, and too fearful about the unknown aspects of the future, that we forget to rejoice in today. We miss out on the grace of God, because we are too busy wanting what we do not have. We forfeit the peace and joy of the Lord, because we take for granted the gifts from God that we do have. We are too busy yearning for something, which we think will make us happy. We are not content or satisfied with God’s provisions in our life right now.

We act like the Israelites who were never satisfied with anything God provided for them. We have an image of what we want in our life and we disdain everything else. We overlook the true blessings from God because He did not provide like we expected Him to, or in the timing that we desired. Satan whispers his lies in our ear during our most vulnerable times and we believe them. We end up believing Satan’s lies over God’s truth. We torture our self with our thoughts.

Our fear, frustration and discontentment in life come from a soul that is worshipping something or someone else more than we are worshipping God. We have an idol in our life. We long for a person, place or thing more than we long for more of God in our life. We fail to see that God’s love is enough. Period. God will honor you for putting Him first in your life. He will use you to make a difference for His Kingdom.

When you get to heaven a sea of people that you do not even know will run up to you and thank you for your service and sacrifice; because you inspired the person who led them to Christ. So forget about your self and what you think you need. Immerse your mind in thoughts about making a difference for Christ, and your time in actions involving the Kingdom of God. Then He will provide you with everything you need in His timing and way. He will meet all of your needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19).

If we spend all of our time focusing on what we do not have, quoting scripture at God in an attempt to force His hand to supply our needs the way we want Him to, or allowing self-pity to eat us alive from the inside out, then we will overlook all of the blessings God has for us right now in this moment. The only way to find deliverance and redemption from the tyranny of life is to be grateful for this one moment of time and to praise God in it and for it.

Father God, You transform our pain and trials into victories as long as we look to You in the midst of them. Forgive us for wanting anything in this life more than we want You. Help us to be satisfied with Your provision and not to make demands on You. Remind us that You know what is best for us, and that You will give us what You want us to have in Your timing and way. Remind us not to spend part of our day with You, but to spend every moment of our day with you instead, listening to Your Spirit and walking in Your will for our life.

Thought for the Day:
God always sustains us with His love, even in our times of suffering and loss.