A hammock strung between two trees calls out to us to come
and rest. It gently sways in the breeze, tempting us to sit and rest for a
while within its silken folds. It lures us to cease from our weary activities.
Christ too calls to us to cease from our labors and to rest in Him – to relax
and to get to know Him better. He encourages us to live a life of praise as He
fills us with His peace, so He can work in and through us to further His
Kingdom in the earth (Psalm 145:13, Galatians 2:20; Colossians 3:3). This is
easier to think about than to do, however, because we live like busy little
We frightfully flit around from one activity to another,
scurrying to make a living and to amass security in this life alone. If we
listen, God reminds us that there is no need for us to entertain anxious or
fearful thoughts about anyone or anything. We have access to the throne of God
any time day or night. We enter His gates with gratitude for what He already
does for us, and then we make our new requests known to Him. His love covers
our multitude of sins and fills every fiber of our being (1 Peter
4:8). He gives us His strength and courage, even when the situation is
scary or disturbing.
Jesus took on our poverty, so that may obtain His riches in
glory (2 Corinthians 8:9). He exchanges our sin for His righteousness (2
Corinthians 5:21). When God looks at us, He does not see a struggling human
being, but a glorified Saint because of Christ in us (Romans
1:7). By faith we have the evidence of these things, which we cannot see
with our human eyes, but which God affirms are so. His peace guards our heart
and mind, because of the sacrifice Jesus made on Calvary’s cross for us all (Philippians
All that remains for us now is to cease from our
self-efforts and to enter God’s wondrous place of abiding rest, which He prepared for
us before the beginning of time. We rest from our works, just as God did from
His, and we surrender our life to Christ, so that He can live His life in,
through and instead of us by His divine power and authority (Hebrews
4:10; 1 Peter 1:4). His presence in us allows us to do greater works than He
did while He lived on this earth, because through His Body all over the world,
He can reach so many more people all at one time (John 14:12).
Lord Jesus, thank You for Your sacrifice that gave us the
opportunity to share in Your riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). Remind us to find our
rest under the shadow of Your wings (Psalm 91:1). Help us to live as a Godly example of an authentic
Believer so that others will see us and glorify You (Matthew 5:16).
Thought for the Day:
The human soul is restless until it finds its rest in God
through Jesus Christ. - Colossians 3:3-4