Monday, July 15, 2013

How to be Perfect

Human perfection is not the result of massive amounts of kinetic energy used to perform obsessive, self-debasing exploits by human effort, nor is it the outcome of inherited human character (Philippians 2:12-13). It is the work of God in us over our lifetime (1 Thessalonians 5:24). God’s grace in us equips us to obey God’s Spirit and to perform the work God calls us to do (Colossians 1:11; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Hebrews 13:21). The desires of our flesh grieve the Spirit of God within us (Galatians 5:17). The deeds of our flesh are crucified only by the work of the Spirit of God in our life (Romans 8:13).

Many people attend church to escape hell, to please a relative, to impress a friend or to find clients for their business (I John 3:8). When they start to realize that God calls us to give up our life for His sake (Matthew 10:39, 16:25), they lose inspiration and dwindle away (Romans 3:2). Their attrition rate resembles that of the four seed in the Gospel. Many people are discouraged by the cares of the world and others by the deceitfulness of Satan and sin. The dry environment parches others, because they are not drinking from the life-giving water of the Word of God (Mark 4:3-7; John 14:4, 7:38).

Only those who receive the seed of the gospel in a fertile heart will bring forth the fruit of God’s Spirit (Mark 4:8). Yet, even some who made a true profession of faith in Christ will wander away for a season, only to return again once they realize that the only true answer to life’s questions is Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 12:9). Then, they willingly die to the flesh and reject sin’s corruption, because the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus wells up within them (Romans 8:2).

People who are actually, authentically born again realize that the authentic church is not after their time and money, but that they really care about them. The leadership’s real desire is that the new Christian advances in his/her own personal growth and spiritual relationship with God.  As new Believers walk in God’s mercy and grace, we learn that unless we allow God’s Spirit to work in and through us, our faith in God is useless (James 2:17,20,26).

We surrender our goals and ambitions to the control of His Lordship and we leave our broken life behind and walk in all the fullness of the triune God within us (Colossians 2:9; Ephesians 3:19). God slowly perfects the whole nature of our soul - our thoughts, choices and emotions - from carnal expressions and ambitions to spiritual ones. God’s Spirit deletes everything pertaining to the “self” within us; and instead promotes behavior that stems from the love of God (1 John 4:8,16; 2 Corinthians 5:14). He manifests His holy nature within us, and uses us to shape our world for His glory (Acts 2:27; 3:12; 13:35).

Father God, we know from experience that apart from You, we can do nothing (John 15:5). We want to live this life, not for what we can gain, but to see Your glory fill the whole earth. We desire to bring many to a saving faith in Christ, regardless of the hardship we experience (2 Corinthians 4:11). You protect us from Satan’s wiles and you keep us from faltering in our faithfulness to you (Jude 1:24; 1 Corinthians 10:13). Help us to maintain constant communion with You by Your Spirit and to walk in the Spirit moment by moment throughout the day (1 Thessalonians 5:17, 23).

Thought for the Day:
Without sanctification of life, there is no intimate union with Christ.