Monday, July 29, 2013

Healing Our Crippled Soul


In today’s society, we are desensitized by secular humanism, eastern religions, pious platitudes and political correctness. The guru’s of the day teach us to live with an inclusive, tolerant and compromising mindset. We tend to believe the lies Satan whispers in our mind rather than the Word of God (2 Corinthians 2:11). We live a defeated, immoral, conciliatory life in order to go along to get along with everyone. If someone dares to oppose our beliefs, we crumble before them and deny our faith in order to keep from offending them. Our gullibility decreases our effectiveness for the Kingdom of God.

We are healed from this crippling malady through our faithfulness to God and His Word. As we incorporate daily Bible study, alone times for prayer and listening to the Lord, corporate fellowship with other Believers and sharing with others the day-to-day blessings God provides for us, we grow in our faith and commitment to the Lord. Just as Jesus, through whom all things were made, humbled himself and went to the cross for our sake (John 1:3; Philippians 2:7-8), we also humble our self to function according to His will for our life.

We radically depend upon Christ alone to provide our needs, relieve our fears and depression, and direct our steps each moment of the day. We function in life through faith in God not in people, not even in our paycheck or our family, although God will use these to provide for us. We benefit from the discipling of more mature, authentic Believers, and we also share with others who are younger in the faith than we are. However, we also renew our mind each day by our own devotional time in His Word.

Christ within us walks with us each step of the way, using our body, soul and spirit to further His Kingdom in the earth. Jesus lived His whole life in divine love and He continues living His life through us as well (Romans 13:8). He loves others through our thoughts, choices and emotions as we follow His Spirit’s guidance throughout our day (1 John 4:19). He even loves our enemies through us as we submit to His Spirit. God heals our crippled soul and gives us a fulfilling life as well.

Father God, we pray for Your will to be done in us as it is in heaven and for Your Kingdom to come both in us and on the earth. We can never thank You enough for providing for us not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. You gave us Your Spirit and Your Word to inform us of Your goals, methods and intentions throughout the ages of time. We thank you for our daily bread and for forgiving us of our sins, as we forgive those who negatively infringe physically, emotionally and mentally on our body and soul. We give You all the praise and glory.

Thought for the Day:
Faith gives us the power to look beyond our circumstance to the eternal consequences God produces through them, even while we still reside on this earth.