Sunday, July 7, 2013

Trusting in God's Faithfulness

The flesh, the world and the devil are not our enemy. A lack of trust is our foremost enemy. Trust allows us to believe in what we cannot see, hear, smell, feel, taste or touch. Trust transcends the bonds of our physical senses and moves into the spiritual realm (Ephesians 6:12). Even our most horrendous burden is relieved in the face of trust. God’s plans and purpose are perfect regardless of the outcome, because He always works all things in life, even the bad things, out for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28). His abundant supply provides for all of our needs (Philippians 4:19).

Every battle in life contains a spiritual context. We can overcome anything because Christ lives in us, through us and instead of us. He uses our body, soul and spirit for His glory. Too many Born Again Believers live in defeat, because they do not realize that Victory dwells within us as the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus already won the war 2000 years ago on Calvary’s cross. Every foe is vanquished, every battle is already won and every mystery is solved by the wisdom of God’s Spirit within us. Our carnal flesh pits itself against the Spirit until the day that we completely surrender to God’s will (Galatians 5:17). 

We can choose to live as 100-fold Christians (Matthew 13:8). Decide this day to serve our living Lord and worthy King with your whole heart and soul. Anything less than 100% dedication to God provides us with less than 100% of His blessings. That is no way to live our is only second best. Once we recognize that we are seated with God in spiritual places, the aspects of life on this earth have no relevance to us anymore, except as the Spirit leads us (Ephesians 2:6). We carpool the children, repair cars, work in the financial sector or medical field or retail, or Pastor God’s people for the glory of God.

When we recognize that God is our truly loving parent, we have joy even in the face of some area of lack, which we think we need (Habakkuk 3:17-18). When the circumstances of life weigh us down, we simply put the matter in the heart of God. Then He gives us His joy with each new morning (Psalm 30:5). We can enter into the joy of the Lord regardless of the time, place or trials that come against us (Matthew 25:21). He sheds His joy on the upright in heart as we celebrate who He is and extol His holy name each moment of the day (Psalm 97:11-12).

Father God, we often live a life of dualism, torn between the insecurities of our flesh and the promises of Your Word. We fail You on so many levels, because we tend to listen to Satan’s lies rather than to believe Your Word of Truth. You want us to dedicate our entire spirit, soul and body to Your service. It is only as we walk in Your Spirit moment by moment throughout the day that we live the abundant and productive life that You intend for us to enjoy. Help us to mature in the faith of Jesus within us and to recognize our true identity in Christ. When we gather in Your house for corporate prayer, fill us with Your joy that transcends human reasoning (Isaiah 56:7).

Thought for the Day:
With faith in the unseen, we can accomplish the impossible. - Philippians 4:13

Thank you, Matt Milligan, for the use of your photo.