Friday, February 28, 2014

Don't Tread on Me

In our world full of people who have no respect for personal boundaries, we often live in a state of simmering panic. Sudden changes and fluctuations in our financial, marital and employment status, and in the conditions around us, compound our natural fears of the unknown. Trepidation and insecurities plague us and we struggle to know when to submit to these changes or when to assert effort to resist or to prevent them.

Living as victims in life is self-defeating. When we succomb to hopelessness and anxiety, this is a sign that we are not seeking our comfort from God. The Serenity Prayer taught me to find God’s courage to face challenges; and then to submit to or resist them, as He gives me the wisdom. I learned that the Lord actually achieves every area of life concerning us (Psalm 138:8). We trust in God’s faithfulness and grow in faith with each lesson we learn.

As we enter God’s rest (Hebrews 10:4), we can live a life of hope and fulfillment regardless of what happens in the natural world around us. We abandon human reasoning and rely totally on the Spirit of God for our direction and encouragement. When we shed all desires birthed by the finite, carnal nature, which is actually dead in Christ, we can then pursue the realm of the infinate and eternal instead, and walk by the direction of God’s Spirit.

As Believers, we recognize that the uncertainties of life have no power over us at all. We display the fruit of God’s Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), which is the divine nature of Jesus expressed through our soul - our thoughts, choices and emotions, which in turn influences the health of our bodyJust like Jesus, we return love for hatred and blessing for cursing (Luke 6:28). As we realize that our old nature is dead in Christ (Colossians 3:3; Galatians 2:20), then God’s Spirit can exhibit His nature through us all of the time.

Father God, thank You for sheltering us under the shadow of Your wings as we traverse this life, which often frightens us. Help us to realize that our carnal nature is truly dead in Christ (Romans 8:2), and that Your Spirit in us will shine through us. You protect us from any of life’s surprises, because You ordain them in our life. Therefore, when we do experience some trial or tribulation, give us the wisdom to know what to embrace and what to resist, as well as the courage to experience anything You choose for our ultimate good.

Thought for the Day:
If we have the Holy Spirit in us through rebirth in Christ, we have all of God’s fruit abiding in our nature all of the time.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Living in the Center of God's Will

Creation is a constant confirmation of the existence of God (Romans 1:20). Nature never toils or spins, but is provided for by God’s constant vigil over it. God cares even more for humanity than for the environment (Matthew 6:25-34; Psalm 19:1-3). We are united with God as a branch on the Vine, a separate entity, but useless alone. We would perish without our relationship to the Vine. In our connection, we live as one with Him, in the same way that nature dwells in harmony with God (Psalm 65:9-13).

God loves us so much that He died to take for us the punishment of our sins. He desires an intimate relationship with all of those who will worship Him in Spirit and without hypocrisy (John 4:24). Even when we are counted worthy to suffer as Jesus did (Acts 5:41), we can look to Him. In every circumstance, He has a higher purpose in it for us and for His Kingdom. As we live in the center of God’s will with the exhibition of our contentment and commitment, we bring Him joy.

With our focus on God, we live in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). This means that we no longer concern our self with life in this carnal world; but instead, we focus on eternal matters each day of our life. What is God’s purpose in where we live, work, shop, attend church and function in this life? We hear from the mind of God each moment of the day and look for His intention in every opportunity, roadblock and trial we experience.

We no longer have any desires apart from those God gives us. We find no terror in adversity, no joy in sin and no concern over decisions made by those who rule over us. We trust only in God’s will in all things, because He is in ultimate control (Ezekiel 38:4; Romans 13:1). As we walk in God’s will, we rest from worry and stress, because we have assurance that God knew it would occur before He created the world (Ephesians 1:4; Romans 8:29). This allows us to walk in His power (2 Peter 1:3).

Father God, You never command us to make our own light shine, but simply instruct us to allow Your light in us to shine in such a way that everyone will see Christ in us and glorify You (Matthew 5:16). We live in Your light in this world; and sometimes, we never even need to say a Word. Of course, the ultimate rebuke in these verses is not to hide our light under the bushel basket of human effort and worldly gain, but always to walk in Your ways, by Your Spirit’s direction and energy.

Thought for the Day:
Nothing is ever too hard for Christ within us. - Jeremiah 32:17, 27

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Authentic Devotion

God calls us to a place of authentic devotion. He desires worshippers who sincerely come to Him through His spirit (John 4:24). He honors those who love Him by keeping His Word (John 14:15). He always provides a way to escape temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13). God promises that, as we humble our self before Him and resist temptation, Satan will have to flee from us (James 4:7-8). We abandon our heavy burden of self-imposed labor; and, instead, enter into God’s rest (Matthew 11:28; Hebrews 4:10).

God is always faithful and He keeps His promises (1 Thessalonians 5:24). We have no need to waiver in our faith, because He is worthy of our trust. He desires nothing less than our whole-hearted devotion to Him in every area of our life. God does not wink at sin; He is appalled by it. He cannot look upon, nor dwell where sin resides (Psalm 5:4). We grieve the Holy Spirit with every compromise we make in our life (Ephesians 4:30-31). Therefore, do not break God’s heart by sinning.

In our modern society, we spend more time serving God on our own terms, than in obeying God’s direction. We rely more on our self-effort than on God’s strength within us. We also grieve Him when we plan our life to the minute and have no time for fellowship with other Believers or even reserve a few moments for Him in daily devotion. We frantically pray for God’s blessing on our plans as we rush from one event to another throughout the day.

Instead, God wants us to yoke up with His Spirit and do only those works, which He prepared for us before we were even born (Ephesians 2:10).  In this way, we find rest for our mind and heart, which are wearied by the demands of the world (Matthew 11:28; Hebrews 4:10). It is only as we return to the center of God’s will that we find complete rest. In this place of quiet confidence, we find our strength (Isaiah 30:15). He is always present to help the humble that depend only on Him (Isaiah 5 7:15).

Father God, You love us with Your everlasting love and draw us with Your kindness (Jeremiah 31:3). You offer us a place of repose, a resting place for the weary to find solace (Isaiah 28:12). The righteousness of Christ in us offers us peace and brings with it the quiet confidence we need to face the issues of life (Isaiah 32:17). Therefore, we walk in the Spirit, so that our soul – our thoughts, choices and emotions - can find rest in the Lord, who is always good to us (Psalm 116:7).

Thought for the Day:
We remain calm and do not lose heart, when we circumspectly walk by the direction of God’s Spirit. - Isaiah 7:4; Ephesians 5:15-20

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Our Glorious Future

Everyone knows that life on this earth is but a vapor in time (James 4:14). Many do not want to live this short life in the miserable clutches of sin (Romans 7:24). They recognize their limitations and gladly come to Jesus for his wisdom, mercy and strength (2 Chronicles 16:9). When we fully surrender to Christ, He impacts our assets, lifestyle, possessions and relationships by directing our decisions through the leading of His Spirit (John 16:13). His peace and joy permeate every nuance of our life.

Our sin nature passes away at Salvation and we are a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). We relinquish the world and grasp onto the freedom in body, soul and spirit, for which Jesus apprehended us (Philippians 3:12). When we live and move and have our being in Christ, we no longer exist in condemnation and sin (Acts 17:28; Romans 8:1). Christ in us is our hope of attaining a glorious future (Colossians 1:27). We can even share this hope with our family and friends (Jeremiah 29:11).

The Law of Sin and Death, under which we formerly struggled, is replaced by the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (Romans 7:22-25, 8:2). We forgive our self for our shortcomings, because God already forgave us (Romans 5:8). Rather than living with a carnal mind, we focus on spiritual and eternal aspects (2 Corinthians 4:18; Romans 8:6). We renew our mind and take our thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ (Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Philippians 4:8-9). Sin no longer appeals to us in any way (James 4:1; Galatians 5:17).

Our true identity, value and purpose in this life are only realized as we look to Jesus for our worth. Every achievement in this world will burn up as wood, hay and stubble (1 Corinthians 3:12). However, no one can take away from us the fact that God adopted us as co-heirs with Jesus Christ (Romans 8:15-17). God works out every catastrophe in our life for our good, as well as rewards us with an eternal heritage. At the same time, His Spirit conforms us into the image of Christ (Romans 8:28-29).

Father God, you spoil Your children and always provide what is best for us. Many people blame You for the effects of sin in this world. They curse You for the death of their loved ones and for spoiling their wealth. However, You adopt into Your family those who surrender to You. You work everything out for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28). Everything You allow into our life comes from Your sacrificial love for us. You ultimately give us safety and provision (Luke 12:28-38).

Thought for the Day:
We know without a doubt that when we leave this earthly realm, the angels will escort us to our glorious future in the presence of the Lord. – 2 Corinthians 5:8

Monday, February 24, 2014

Entering God's Rest


When we enter our rest in Christ (Hebrews 4:10), we do not cease from activity, but enter a state of perfect tranquility as we perform only those works, which God prepared for us before we were born (Ephesians 2:10). We live, move and have our being in Christ (Acts 17:28); therefore we live in mental, emotional and physical harmony with His divine will. We discover His will by quieting our soul and listening through ceaseless prayer to His voice in our spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).


Ignoring human reasoning, we live in the Spirit rather than in the flesh (Galatians 5:16,25). Our labor ceases to be work because we carry out the will of God and work in the power of God’s Spirit. Our employment is no longer for our employer, but for our Holy God. We give our employer our very best efforts, because we serving a Higher Power. God holds us up and inspires our weary labors. We do not bear our burdens alone. He gives us joy in our work.


We think only about concepts, which are true, gracious, honest, authentic, undeniable and courteous. We focus on the best rather than the worst scenarios, on the beautiful instead of the ugly and on good news, which deserves praise, rather on evil and damning information. As we put Biblical principles into practice, God works out everything for our good in peace and harmony (Philippians 4:8; Romans 8:28). Buried with Christ, we are alive in God (Acts 17:11).


Functioning with clarity of mind, rather than thoughts fueled by panic and anxiety, we prosper. The Bible is no longer a closed book to us. We understand its precepts and its words are life to our spirit and soul. When a carnal desire or thought disturbs our peace, we know that from anywhere on the earth we can run to the Rock of Christ. He is our towering Rock of safety (Psalm 61:2). It is better to wait on God than to manufacture any solution from our flesh (Matthew 6:28:30; Psalm 37:3; Isaiah 30:7).



Father God, we are pressed within and without by adversity, but not crushed or broken. We are confused and do not understand why life treats us as it does, but we trust in You. We are abandoned and abused, but you never leave or forsake us. Life shoves us down, but by Your Spirit we get up and keep on serving you. We are persecuted and ridiculed, but You use it to show Your Power through our suffering. We face fears within and without, but You, our living Lord, keep us safe always. Even when we die, we live on eternally with you (2 Corinthians 4:8-12).


Thought for the Day:

Our troubles will soon be over, but our joys in the Lord will last forever. - 2 Corinthians 4:18

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Salt and Light


God made His Saints as salt and light in our world (Matthew 5:13-16). As light, we reveal the hidden wounds in a sinner’s life; and as salt, we create a thirst in their soul. Sinners resent being reminded of their sin, and despise those who keep them accountable. Unbelievers often criticize Christians when we tell them the truth. As ungodliness increases with the growing apostasy in our world (2 Timothy 3:12-13), these people attempt to extinguish our light in order to hide their darkness.

When salt sits in the box, it clumps together and loses its usefulness (Matthew 5:13). It is only as we allow Jesus to pour us out, that we are any good to His Kingdom. Speaking God’s truth will season, cleanse, heal, preserve and prevent decay in the life of those who will listen and believe. Hopefully, those whose thirst we amplify will want to quench it with Living Water (John 7:37-39), which only comes through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ (Mark 1:14-15).

Salt also enhances sweetness, such as bringing out the natural sweetness of melons. Expecting Christians to be sweet as pie, sinners resent the salty truth of God’s word. It is actually those preachers who dilute and sugar-coat the gospel of Christ that steer people in the wrong direction. They falsely imply that life in Christ is all about health, wealth and success. They disguise sin, calling it a weakness or saying it is biologically predestined; therefore, Jesus accepts it.

These lies lead people down the eternal path to destruction, rather than the narrow way of truth. Eternal joy comes from living in the presence of God for eternity. Although Authentic Believers all over the world are persecuted more and more, just like Jesus was during His lifetime (John 15:20), we are not deterred from sharing the truth of God’s Word. We do not merely listen to the Word and deceive our self, but we also obey God’s Word is Spirit and sincerity (James 1:22-24).

Father God, Your Word is truth and shall never pass away (John 17:17). Help us to be lights, which shine into this dark world, illuminating the way for whosoever will to come to salvation in Jesus’ name (Revelation 22:17). Until we walk in and share Your Truth, it simply remains a thought in our mind and does no good for anyone (2 Timothy 3:7). Your Spirit leads us into all truth (John 16:13). Give us the courage to continue to share it.

Thought for the Day:
The power of Christ working in us can accomplish more than we could ever imagine. – Ephesians 3:20








Saturday, February 22, 2014

Enveloped in Love

The most comforting news that I have ever heard is that the soul of Born Again Believers – our thoughts, choices and emotions – are totally encase in the love of Jesus Christ both now and throughout eternity (Psalm 125:2). He is in us and we are in Him in God (Galatians 2:20; Colossians 3:3). We are in the world, but not part of the world (John 17:14-19). We live life separated from what is evil, but immersed in what is good, righteous and holy.

Love, in the person of Jesus Christ, is our focus. He is our only true life (Colossians 3:4). Our whole life is centered in God, whether we carpool the children, grocery shop, read our Bible, fellowship with Believers or put in a multitude of hours at work. We do not live to shop, to care for our family or to advance at work, but to do the will of our Father God in and through these opportunities, which He provides for us (Hebrews 8:10).

The beauty of faith in Christ is that once Christ returns, even nature will return to its original glory (Romans 8:22). We live in harmony with God through His Spirit. Our purpose in this life is to reconcile with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, anyone who will believe in Him. It is not our responsibility to convince them, but simply to share God’s Truth as it pertains to our own life.

The choice is theirs, as it was ours, whether or not to believe. We can share the gospel on our social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, ect. Then, those who read our words may realize that they need Jesus too. If we have the mind to do so, we can fellowship via the Internet, in the comfort of our own home, with Saints from all over the world.

A Godly life profits us in every area of our existence – body, soul and spirit (1 Timothy 4:8). We do not exist through our own efforts and resources, but through the power of God’s mighty Spirit who dwells within us. Through Him, we accomplish every action, which God designed for us to do before we were ever born (Ephesians 2:8-10). God works in us and through us, giving us both the desire and the power to accomplish everything for His pleasure (Philippians 2:12-13).

Father God, You give us the opportunity to harmonize with nature in our worship of You (Psalms 148:3-5). You give us Your power from on high as we wait in Your presence (Luke 24:29); and then we go forth into all the earth, informing everyone who will listen that You want to envelop them in Your love too. We thank You for the privilege of living, moving and having our entire existence in You (Acts 17:28). We vow to share Your love with everyone You bring into our day.

Thought for the Day:
God’s love gave us the fruit of His Spirit to provide us with His divine nature in this life on earth, which victoriously sees us through every circumstance we may encounter.
– Galatians 5:22-23



Friday, February 21, 2014

Long-Range Dividends

There are times in our life when Christians might pursue the lusts of the flesh and step outside of their fellowship of God. They eat the bread of idleness and wickedness
(Proverbs 31:27, 4:17). Then they reap the bread of affliction and adversity (1 Kings 22:27; Isaiah 30:20). As a result, they end up eating the bitter bread of the tears and sorrows of the mourner (Psalm 80:5, 127:2; Hosea 9:4).

There are consequences of our sins, even as Believers. Sin robs us, and it always inflicts negative, long-range dividends on us. God promises to chastise those whom He loves. We can rejoice when this happens, because it proves that we are sons and not without God's Spirit within us (Hebrews 12:7). We actually learn to forgive others because God forgives us.

Jesus taught His disciples to forgive seventy times seven times (Matthew 18:21-23). This is not a limiting number, but shows the limitless love and forgiveness God has for us. When we come to Christ through salvation, we no longer live life our way, because we are now dead and hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3). We live in union with the Father, Son and Spirit (John 10:30).

We are dead and buried with Him, but also raised in Him to a whole new life (Romans 6:4). Jesus took our sin nature and nailed it to the cross, paying the penalty of our sins for us. Now, Christ lives through us and we express His righteousness in our lives (Romans 3:14). We no longer live for our self, but for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:15), because Jesus is the source of our spiritual life.

Christ in us unites us with the Kingdom of God, which gives us light and love, even in the darkest trial we may traverse in this world (1 Chronicles 16:34). The will of God should set the course for our life and determine the choices we make (Ephesians 2:10). Christ in us is our hope of living in glory with God both now and throughout eternity (Colossians 1:27), which pays great dividends.

Lord Jesus, the entire world was created through You (Ephesians 3:9), and only in You does anything exist. You hold everything together (Hebrews 1:3; Colossians 1:17). This proves that You are not far from any one of us; especially if we live, move and have our existence in You (Acts 17:27-28). We learn to love, because You first loved us enough to suffer and die for us (1 John 4:19). You died, but You live again both in heaven and in all of Your Saints. This is the most convincing evidence that You are our God.

Thought for the Day:
When we love the basest person on earth; we are, in fact, loving Christ, and reaping His rewards. – Matthew 25:31-46


Thursday, February 20, 2014

God Provides

King David commented that throughout his life, He never saw a righteous person forsaken or his descendants begging bread (Psalm 37:25). God provides for His own and He blesses thousands of generations of descendents of those who love and serve Him (Exodus 20:6). We are happy and put all of our hope in our Lord. He keeps every promise He makes to us with as much certainty as He uses to keep the world He created in perfect balance (Psalm 146:5-6).

He causes the Godly to flourish like a palm tree. They grow tall and He transplants them into His own garden, so that we are under His personal care. Even in our old age, He sees to it that we produce fruit and remain green and vital. Our prosperity honors the Lord, because it shows the world that God cares for His own (Psalm 92:12-15). When we are acquainted with God’s ways, we come to put our trust in Him, because He never forsakes anyone who seeks Him (Psalm 9:10).

When someone or something comes against God’s beloved, He takes it very personally (Zechariah 2:8). We are precious in His sight (Isaiah 43:3). God’s will is not an objective to achieve, but a lifestyle to live. We trust Him because He always helps those who seek Him (Psalm 9:10). He never sleeps, but watches over us day and night. He cares for us and defends us, keeping us from evil and preserving our life. He keeps his eye upon us as we come and go, and guards us in all of our ways (Psalm 121:2-8).

Jehovah made the mountains and the heavens; and yet, is mindful of all mankind (Psalm 8:4-6). He gives justice to the poor and the oppressed, as well as food to the hungry. He heals the sick, lifts the burdens of those crippled under a heavy weight, protects immigrants and cares for both orphans and widows. The Lord loves His righteous Saints and is their defense (Psalm 146:7-9). He gives His angels charge over us, so that we never stumble or fall (Psalm 91:11-12).

Father God, we will never forget Your promises, Your mercy and grace or the marvelous works You perform (Psalm 111:4-6). Your loving kindness pours out forever and ever on those who revere You. If we are faithful to Your covenant and obey Your precepts, Your salvation is for us and our children (Psalm 103:17). Your love stands firm forever and You establish Your faithfulness in Heaven and earth, and it endures forever (Psalm 89:2, 119:90).

Thought for the Day:
Those who refuse to obey the Lord do not comprehend His might or the wonders of His creation. – Nehemiah 9:17, 31





Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Higher Level of Spirituality

Jesus is our personal Savior, sitting on the throne of our soul (Hebrews 12:2). We are in Him and He is in us, and we are both one with our Heavenly Father (John 12:21). All things are from Jesus, through Jesus and for Jesus; so no matter where we are or what we are doing, He is our all in all (Romans 11:36; Colossians 1:17). He is everything to us and He works through us in every activity He calls on us to perform. We never want to live for one second outside of His presence.

The goal of Christianity is to abide in a contemplative existence by continually focusing our soul – our thoughts, choices and emotions – on Jesus, the object of our affections. We no longer value things from the world or the flesh (Galatians 5:24), and our soul is totally focused on God and His Will for each moment of our life. It starts in a place of physical and mental stillness and then proceeds throughout the rest of the day with His peace permeating each moment of our day.

When we first start to enter this reflective state, we are distracted by a myriad of details, which demand our immediate attention. It is so hard to fight Satan’s attempts to sidetrack us. However, with persistence, we enter into God’s presence and we never want to leave. We find a higher level of spirituality with intimate love, gentle peace and confident direction, which no other process in life ever afforded us. We abide in union with Christ in pure serenity and rest.

We see God as the source and cause of everything pertaining to our life. Each trial is an adventure in Him, which He promises to work out for our good. Each sickness is an opportunity to share the gospel of Christ with those in the doctor’s office. Each loss is an occasion to learn to live without; so that when God restores our wealth, we can share with others who live in need. With each person we meet and every place we go, we seek God’s perspective and will.

Father God, You are the great teacher of our soul. You remove the dross in our life until we are as fine silver and You see Your reflection within us. You give us wisdom, which is skill for living. You give us Your mercy and grace both in our life and to share with others. We walk with confidence in Your faithfulness and we do not even dread the inevitable trials of life on this earth. We surrender our life to You and thank You for controlling every part of it for our ultimate good.

Thought for the Day:
God harmonizes our life with His grand purpose, and He causes us to fulfill the works He prepared for us before we were even born.
– Ephesians 2:10

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

No One Like Our God

Dawn Breaks by Eugene Kurenkov

Among all the wise men of every nation and kingdom, throughout all of the ages, there is no one like our God. He is great. Even His name is mighty and powerful. He is King of all nations, and only fools refuse to revere Him. He deserves all of our allegiance and praise (Jeremiah 10:6-7; Romans 1:22). He has plans for those who serve Him. Plans, which give us hope of a prosperous future, and He will never allow anything or anyone to irreparable harm us (Jeremiah 29:11).

Our Lord God made the heavens and the earth by the mighty power of His outstretched arm. Nothing is too complicated for Him to deal with, because He is our great and mighty God. His name is Lord of hosts, and He is mighty in all of His deeds. He gives us great counsel, and He rewards every one of us according to our character and the fruit of our deeds (Jeremiah 32:17-19). When I think about this, I want to follow His Spirit’s direction each moment of my day.

We have hope, because we know His mercy and compassion never fail. They are new every single morning, regardless of our failures from yesterday. He is always faithful. Our soul knows that the Lord is our portion, and we wait for Him. We seek Him and silently hope for His salvation every day (Lamentations 3:21-23). One of these days, everyone on the whole earth will know the glory of our Lord, just as water covers the whole sea (Habakkuk 2:14).

Let us bless the name of our God forever and ever. All wisdom and power belong to Him. He controls both time and the seasons. Kings are raised up and deposed by the will of our Lord. He gives wisdom, knowledge and understanding to whomever humbly asks. In fact, He reveals the deep, hidden mysteries of the ages to those who seek Him. He knows the deeds of those who choose to dwell in darkness, but He continually offers them a place in His Light (Daniel 2:20-22).

Father God, there in no one as Holy as You are. No one compares to You in any way. You are our solid Rock and we trust only in You (1 Samuel 2:2; Psalm 143:8). You will not allow us to be put to shame or for our enemies to triumph over us (Psalm 25:2). We all, both great and small, give praise to You, our God (Revelations 19:5). There is no God as great as You (Psalm 77:13). You rule over all powers and principalities both human and spiritual (Colossians 1:16). You are divine and there is no one like You.

Thought for the Day:
The Lord is in His holy temple; Let all the earth be silent before Him.  - Habakkuk 2:20




Monday, February 17, 2014

Strength for the Weary

There is no need to fear life, because God protects His faithful children. He strengthens us when we get discouraged and helps us when we are stressed. He lifts us up when we are weary, holding our hand and reminding us not to be afraid, because He will help us (Isaiah 41:10,13). We trust God, because He fashioned, created and established the heavens and the earth. There is no one like Him. He inhabits the earth and calls us all to come to Him (Isaiah 45:18; Revelation 22:17).

Those who are rich, strong, wise, and attractive cannot really boast about who they are or what they have done, because it is the Lord who decides who will rise and fall (Psalm 75:7). We can boast, however, in the fact that we know God, who is the Lord of heaven and earth. We exercise compassion, impartiality and holiness on the earth, because these are the attributes in which the Lord truly delights (Jeremiah 9:23-24).

When we rely on our human attributes, young and old alike grow tired in this world of sin and sorrow. However, as we wait on the Lord’s love and His Spirit’s direction, He renews our strength and allows us to rise up with wings like eagles. Then we can face the trials and temptations of life with renewed energy, because God gives potency to the weary and increases the power of the weak (Isaiah 40:29-31).

Every word God spoke will come to pass. Upon His return, every knee, whether they are in heaven, on the earth or under the earth, will bow to King Jesus (Isaiah 45:23; Philippians 2:9-11). God wants His best for us in this life and in the next. He teaches us how to profit both materially and spiritually. He leads us each moment of the day, so that we only follow His way in which we should go (Isaiah 48:17). Do yourself a favor and trust your life to His care.

Father God, you are so awesome, ruling and providing from Your sanctuary. You give power and strength to Your Saints (Psalm 68:35). You loved us enough to die for our sins, and by Your grace you encourage us with Your hope. You strengthen us in our every word and deed, as You work in and through us (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17). I thank You for considering us trustworthy and appointing us to Your service (1 Timothy 1:12). As we hope in You, You renew our strength (Isaiah 40:31).

Thought for the day:
Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. - Ephesians 6:10





Sunday, February 16, 2014

Law of Life in Christ


When our spirit is Born Again by the Spirit of God in salvation, we are set free from the Law of Sin and Death (Romans 8:2). Jesus won this victory for us on Calvary’s cross. We are a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). Jesus died to sin once and for us all. He bore the penalty of our sin and gave us His righteousness in its place (2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 6:10). Our spirit is alive to God in Christ and our soul – our thoughts, choices and emotions - is now free from sin (1 Peter 6:11; Romans 6:7). 

Our old carnal, human nature is dead and our new, spiritual nature resides in its place (Romans 8:2). We no longer struggle with the sin and depravity that used to plague our life. Paul records his struggle with coming to this conclusion in Romans chapter seven. Then, Paul triumphantly records the culmination of his struggle in the conclusion that the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus sets us free from the Law of Sin and Death (Romans 8:2; John 8:36).

Satan wants us to believe that we have to struggle with our flesh and go through a long, drawn out crucifixion process. Satan wants to keep us occupied with the struggle Paul describes in Romans chapter seven. However, when we realize the completed work, which Paul clarifies for us in Romans 8:2, we are no longer centered on the temporal, earthly aspects of life. We come to realize just how comprehensive Christ’s work on the cross really is (Philippians 2:12-13).

We focus instead on the eternal, Heavenly aspects of everlasting life, which is ours both now in this life and in eternity. We no longer live in selfishness, pride and rebellion, but we completely surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in our life. Our carnal nature is totally dead by our faith in Christ, and is replaced by the fruit of God’s Spirit. We no longer reap the negative consequences of a carnal lifestyle, because we enjoy the eternal advantages of a life complete in Christ (Colossians 2:10).

Father God, I see as Paul did that there is no need to pray for more love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, meekness, self-control and faith, because they are all part of Your nature, which resides within us from the moment of our salvation. We really are a totally new creation with all the attributes of Your triune Being living within us (1 Thessalonians 5:23; Colossians 1:19). Our carnality is now dead, and our life is completely hidden with Christ in You (Colossian 3:3).

Thought for the Day:
Jesus Christ really is our whole life. - Colossian 3:4


Friday, February 14, 2014

The Power of Knowing God


To know God personally is to relate to Him intimately as a man “knows” his wife (Genesis 4:1). This is not an intellectual pursuit, but an experienced unity. Knowing God provides us with eternal life (John 17:3). The Jewish culture looked for signs, and the Greek culture craved wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:21). When Christ came, He served as a stumbling block for both cultures; however, to those who are called in Christ, Jesus is both our power and the wisdom of God in us (1 Corinthians 1:22-24).

When I consider the size and magnificence of creation, I cannot comprehend it. It is too magnanimous for me to fathom. The heavens and skies declare the glorious works of God’s hands (Psalm 19:1). God uses creation to preach His gospel (Romans 1:20). Even in countries where missionaries have yet to preach, the heavens are proclaiming His righteousness and the people see His glory (Psalm 97:6).

Those who reject Christ are without excuse, and refrain from believing only because of their rebellion and pride (John 3:18). God does not need natural beauty, skill and talents, just a submissive person, emptied of him/her self. He does not want those who take the credit, only those who give Him the glory. He has no need for excellence, eloquence and elegance in His people. He simply looks for a surrendered life.

We labor with all the energy of Christ’s power working in and through us (Colossians 1:29). This is the same power, which raised Jesus from the dead and seated Him at God’s right hand (Ephesians 1: 19-20). Jesus knew Peter’s habit of depending on the flesh to fight his battles. That is why the transformation in Peter after Pentecost is so amazing! He learned that God needs no human talents or abilities, but only His Spirit working in and through us (Zechariah 4:6; Acts 2:14-36).

Father God, when I lay down to sleep, I remember all that You do for me. I meditate on Your goodness all through the night watches. You are my help, and I hide and rejoice in the shadow of Your wings. My soul clings to You for stability and comfort. You hold me up with Your powerful right hand (Psalm 63:6-8). You are my rock and You bring me true salvation. You are my strong fortress, which prevents me from being shaken by the storms and quakes of life (Psalm 62:2). I depend on You to move in me by the power of your Spirit.  

Thought for the Day:
As Born Again Believers, we walk in the power of knowing God.