Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Intelligent Designer

Cherry Blossoms Photo in Tilt Shift

One cannot help but believe there is a Supreme Being when we consider the precision in the universe. Once we read the Bible and notice the accuracy in which prophecy is fulfilled, we realize that it could never have a self-fulfilling tendency to it, and we know without a doubt that God rules supreme (Psalm 19:1-4).

God made the earth and cosmos by His great power. He established the universe by His supernatural wisdom. He stretched out all of creation by His own pleasure.

When God whispers, He can cause the dew and humidity to rise from the earth to the heavens; and then He send the rain on the entire earth.

He adds lightning to the rain, brings wind out His treasuries and shakes the earth with great peals of thunder. He commands the universe, the weather and our life according to His good pleasure (Jeremiah 10:6-14; 51:15-16).

Jesus in all of His wisdom existed before the world was ever formed. Before the fountains of water burst forth, before the mountains and hills were established, before the fields, the lilies in the fields and the dust of the earth covered the ground, Jesus resided in the glories of heaven.

As the Master Craftsman, Jesus gave the seas their boundaries and they do not go against His commands. He delights in His creation daily, rejoices in the inhabited world and takes pleasure in the sons of men (Proverbs 8:22-31).

The Trinity is very active in our world on a daily basis. God draws us to Himself, because He loved us enough to take on human form as Jesus Christ and die a horrendous death for our benefit alone. Now He guides us by His Spirit if we take the time to pay attention to His still, small voice.

Father God, You rejoice over us with singing and call us the apple of Your eye. You take a personal interest in each one of us and work on our behalf all the days of our life (Psalm 24:1). We trust in You with our needs, because You care for us. We can never thank you enough for all You have done, are doing and plan to do to bless us.

Thank You for drawing us to Your heart. We pray that all the ends of the world will remember You and turn to You; that all the families of all of the nations will worship before You (Psalm 22:27). We look forward to the day when all of the earth will honor You and all the inhabitants of the world will stand in awe of You (Psalm 33:8).

Thought for the Day:
The earth belongs to the Lord, because He founded the heavens and earth by His mighty outstretched hand. 
- Psalm 24:1, 89:11