Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Invisible Things of This Earth

Underwater Photography of Blue Ocean

Everything we see in our world today was made from invisible matter and orchestrated by God (Hebrews 11:3). Scientist tout the wonder of the invisible axis which holds our tilted earth; yet they criticize and scoff at our invisible God.

We can see, hear, smell, touch, and enjoy the marvels of this world, which we can see; but we cannot see the invisible chemicals and vibrations, which make up these visible wonders. Yet these are still widely accepted as real and true.

Skeptics call our faith "blind", but we have more proof for our faith than they do for many of their beliefs. We enjoy a whole world of visible signs that point to a benevolent Father God (Romans 1:20).

We enjoy His blessings each and every day; but many people refuse to believe in His existence as the Intelligent Designer of all that we relish.

He loves us so much that He gave us the earth and all of its fullness to enjoy while we traverse this land; and then He shares with us the bounty of His Heavenly realm once we join Him in eternity.

God wants to live in union with every human being ever born; but we must be Born Again to have this privilege. The stumbling stone is that we must first admit that we are sinners in need of a Savior.

However, most people refuse to admit that they do anything wrong or are in need of a Savior, that they cannot live life on their own and that they are not as wise and self-sufficient as they think they are.

Father God, humble us in Your sight and teach us about our desperate need for You in our life. We want to enjoy eternity in Your presence, but we want that union to begin while we are still occupying the earth until You come. We want to praise and honor You with our thoughts, words and deeds.

Your Kingdom is an eternal dominion, which endures forever and ever. You are the true and only King of heaven and earth. Your ways are just and righteous and we have no reason to question either Your motives or actions (Daniel 4:17, 34-35).

Thought for the Day:
Jesus is the Lord of all, and He does not change. 
- Malachi 3:6