Monday, August 28, 2017

A Happy Marriage - Agape Love

River Surrounded by Green Trees

In every marriage the feelings of love fluctuate and even wane over the years. However, love is an action, not a feeling. As we show love by loving actions, the feelings often return.

Agape love, God's love in us, is always ready to make allowances for the human beings in our life. We trust in God alone and we endure whatever comes by our hope in His love for us, which never ends (1 Corinthians 13: 7-8).

God's love in us for one another allows us to enjoy more intimacy with Him and our loved ones. It helps us to eventually feel emotional intimacy and the mental closeness of swapping ideas. We share friends in common to enjoy as well.

We participate in the same hobbies, sports, clubs, fun activities, artistic involvement and church programs and outreaches, etc. We adopt a similar world-view, priorities and goals in life.

We enjoy each other's company and participate in mutual affectionate play. We want to spend more and more time together, pleasing each other in unhurried physical trysts.

As Agape Love grows, affirming one another's positive qualities is easier to do; and we find fewer issues over which to bicker or disagree. We brag about one another to other people rather than complaining or cutting each other down.

Appreciation, gratitude, understanding one another, and cherishing each other breeds the ability to dwell together with understanding, love, respect and preference of each other over our self.

Father God, remind us that a simple walk around the block encourages communication between us and our mate. We have time to talk that is unhindered by chores and children. We chat about troubles, trials, worries, the children, household and work issues, troubled friendships, hopeful promotions and pay raises, etc. Remind us that we can actually pray about all of these issues with one another as we walk. As we walk, inspire us to pray for our neighborhood to come to Christ.

Help us to schedule couple time to have fun, to turn off the TV, to share a cup of cocoa and a sweet roll, to look in one another's eyes and foster romantic thoughts and gestures, to hold hands and snuggle often, to read Your Word together every day, to laugh or cry or just fall asleep together. We rely on You to keep or to make our marriage great and to move us on in spiritual and emotional maturity.

Thought for the Day:
Successful marriages do not happen by chance; they take hard work, they involve choices to include one another in decision making and couple time, they require honest care and nurture by both parties of the couple, etc.