Monday, August 14, 2017

Knowing and Loving God

abstract, background, beach

God created human beings to hunger for cherished relationships with each other and with Him. Intimacy is one of the key ingredients for this successful connection.

We can know about one another and about God in a superficial sense that does not involve romance or the heart. "Knowing" in its simplest form only involves a head knowledge.

In contrast, in the garden the first couple experienced a deep, close unity and fellowship with God and with one another. They enjoyed an unfathomable friendship, a kinship of belonging to God and each other.

As our Father God, our Bridegroom and our Good Shepherd, the Trinity cares for all of our intimacy needs. We trust God with our life and we look to Him to provide for all of our essential aspects of life.

As a couple, we experience a union of one flesh; as authentic Christians we enjoy a state of oneness with the Trinity that is similar to that which Jesus enjoyed with our Father and His Spirit.

Intimacy does not occur automatically. It takes focus, planning and purposeful time spent in each other's presence. We make the time in our busy life to spend quality time with both God and our spouse.

We even make space in our schedule for us and our spouse to spend time together with God. We share in times of being led by God's Spirit. We thrill at these special moments of intimacy with God both singly and as a couple.

We rejoice with each other as we experience divine appointments together and as individuals. We encourage one another to walk in the Spirit and not to rely on our flesh and human reason in making decisions and in our daily walk through life.

Rather than living by our human skill and superficial wisdom, we individually, and as a couple acknowledge God and seek His will for us in each moment of every day (Proverb 3:5-6). We love God with our whole body, soul and spirit.

Father God, remind us to spend large amounts of our time seeking more intimacy with You and getting to know You more deeply than ever before. Help us to make our time with You and our spouse as the focus of our purpose in life. We put our service in Your Kingdom, our career, our extended family, our vocation, our hobbies, etc. as lesser priorities when compared to spending quality time as Your child and as a spouse.

Help us to communicate to You and our spouse that we value our relationship with both of You as the most important relationships that we enjoy in this life. Teach us that when we get our priorities lined up with Your Word, we enjoy more serenity, success and fulfillment than we ever thought possible on this side of heaven.

Thought for the Day:
True Love is more of an action than a feeling; and as long as we have breath, we can serve one another and God with His agape, unconditional love.