Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Complete Unity with Our Father God

Scenic View of Beach

The Word of God is a two-edged sword, a fire and a hammer (Jeremiah 23:29; Hebrews 4:12). It breaks up strongholds that Satan erects to hinder our spiritual growth, and it is a lamp to guide our way in life (Psalm 119:105).

God's Word abides forever (Isaiah 40:8), and strengthens us with hope, peace and joy (Nehemiah 8:10). We owe God an eternal debt for giving us His Word throughout the ages, and for not leaving us clueless and comfortless in this stressful and fearful world.

The only way we will experience rejection in our relationships in this world is if any opinion of us other than God's is too important to us, or if we set our heart to receive some earthly reward, or if we believe Satan's lies rather than to rely on the truth of God's Word.

Jesus walked in complete unity with Our Father God. He spent hours in solitude and prayer, so that He would have the spiritual unction, power and fortitude to face His days full of ministry.

He is the perfect example for us. He submitted to God in body, soul and spirit, controlled and guided by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 3:16-19, Amplified Bible). His aim in His life centered on living and doing only the will of God - even submitting to Calvary's cross.

Saints throughout the ages teach us that the purpose of trials in our life is to realize that our true joy does not come from worldly pleasures. This causes us to dwell in the shadow of God's wings and to sit in His lap as His adoring child.

Father God, remind us that human acclaim can quickly turn to demeaning, demoralizing and depressing criticism. Placing our trust in this world's provision will only disappoint us. When we are attacked by this world's systems, having our self-esteem squarely planted in our salvation in Christ deflects the arrows meant to pierce our heart. Total surrender to You gives us esteem and care by Your Body as well as by Your Spirit that abides within us.

We depend more on our affirmation from You than from accolades from the world around us (1 Corinthians 11:1). Any trial this world or the devil throws in our path, and which cripple us to our knees, are met with Your peace and joy to see us through them. Help us to walk in Your ways and to delight in Your will for us moment-by-moment throughout our day.

Thought for the Day:
It is not God who withdraws from us, but we who withdraw from Him; yet, as long as we abide in the Vine, as He abides in us, we will overcome our trials victoriously and enjoy the fullness of Christ in us, who is our hope of glory. - John 15:4-5