Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Freedom of Humility

Close Up of Leaf

The first key to freedom in Christ is humility. If we keep blaming others for our failings, nothing ever improves and we are never set free from the bondage of the past.

Humility is absolutely transforming. The humility to admit that we are powerless leads to surrender. This surrender blazes the trail to serenity. Serenity is peace, which transcends our circumstances.

This deep peace paves the way to joy, which does not depend on what is going on around us. Happiness is a fickle human emotion that ebbs and flows with the tides of life.

However, the joy of the Lord is our continual strength (Nehemiah 8:10). It gives us the energy to follow the Spirit’s leading as we live in the moment throughout the day.

A Christian sister reminded me that she is a teacher; and, therefore, must plan her calendar. She wondered how she could plan and still live in the moment.

We can plan our life as the Spirit gives us direction, but living it moment by moment takes away our regret over the past and our worry over the future.

People also wonder how to pray without ceasing and yet continue to live up to their daily responsibilities. We certainly cannot stay on our knees in our prayer closet all day long.

Some people say this means that we live in an attitude of prayer. I assert that we are actually called to pray about each moment as God gives it to us. We ask Him what He wants us to do, and we follow His Spirit’s leading as we do it.

Then, we pray about each new endeavor throughout the day. Life flows much more smoothly with prayer, because we live it in the center of God's Will.

Father God, the easiest was to develop humility is to apologize. This will humble us before You have to bring someone to humiliate us. Please remind us that humility creates inner freedom in our soul. It is such a relief to let go of what we have been trying to hide, deny, or hold on to, and to acknowledge that we are not perfect.

Apologies with excuses and justifications are not apologies, although it is helpful to explain to others why we acted or spoke as we did. This explanation is not an excuse, but gives clarity in communication. No matter whom it is, help us to say, “Please forgive me for  … (and to name the issue). Most of all, we humble our self before You and give You all of the praise and glory due to Your name.

Thought for the Day:

Humility admits that we cannot, and acknowledges that God can; so that we can live each moment in the center of His will.