Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Moving Deeper into the Water of Life

Trees in Park

The intimidating aspect of moving deeper into the Water of Life is that buoyancy takes over and we often lose our footing. The water is murky in places and visually obscures the solid ground from our sight.

Tired of the spiritual battles, we may experience discouragement; our friends and family may discourage us, and we may discourage others from entering any deeper into the River of Life.

Satan will also discourage us and sidetrack us with the world and our flesh. Apathy is his greatest tool for rendering us ineffectual for helping the Kingdom of God to grow in the earth (Ephesians 6:10-18).

Thankfully, God's Spirit coaxes us to let go of our negative emotions and secret sins, and eventually we have no more desire to allow Satan to sidetrack us with his destructive behavior.

A temptation at this stage in our development is to grow obese from over-feeding on constant Bible studies and not using this spiritual food to energize our service in God's Kingdom.

We may also fall into spiritual pride because of our wealth of knowledge of God's Word. We may look down on others, and even criticize our church family and its leadership.

As we continue deeper into the water, surrendering our will to the will of God gets easier with time. We increase in His peace rather than experiencing the stress of today's hectic and grueling schedule.

Our self-worth and true identity come from Christ in us rather than from our own talents or lack of giftedness. We pray and learn to discern God's voice.

We come to understand that prayer is the greatest ministry anyone can serve in, because God trusts us with His attention and concerns.

Praise and worship become daily habits, no longer reserved for Sundays alone, because we cherish our deepening relationship with the Trinity.

Father God, You have a plan for each life and we can seek You and walk in it (Ephesians 2:10). As we continue into the deeper waters, You walk with us and in us. You teach us to pray without ceasing and to communicate to others what You teach us on a daily basis (Hebrews 5:12-14).

Remind us that to share our testimony of Your love, peace and provision for our life is just as important as having the ability to write or to teach Your Word (John 14:27). You call us to daily take up our cross and to walk in tune with Your Spirit's direction for each moment of our day (Luke 9:23; Galatians 5:15-25).

Thought for the Day:
As we increase our spiritual disciplines, and trust God with our walk in His Spirit, we attend more than one church service a week, read our Bible every day, serve in a ministry in our local church, reach out to help the needy in our community, and pray and trust God to direct our steps.
- Psalm 37:23; Proverbs 3:5-6