Friday, September 8, 2017

Achieving Desired Result

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When we try in our own efforts to succeed, we often fail to achieve the desired results. However, as we come to God and repent of our sins, He gives us the righteousness of Christ which produces a plethora of abundant spiritual fruit in our life (Matthew 3:8).

Walking in obedience to Him produces the desired results. For example, after they fished all night without any success, Jesus' disciples were returning to shore the next morning. Jesus called to them from the shore.

He instructed them to go back out and to throw in their nets on the right side of the boat. They were tired, hungry and discouraged; however, they obeyed.

They followed His instructions explicitly and reaped the reward for their obedience with so many fish that they had to get help hauling them all to shore (John 21:6).

God does not receive pleasure or praise from the results of our humanistic efforts, plans, goals and accomplishments. Instead, He only delights in our obedience to His will (1 Samuel 15:22).

Humanity considers God’s laws restrictive and oppressive. We want the freedom to sin and to follow the desires of our flesh. Then, we blame God when others sin against us.

God’s judgment is never mean or vindictive. His discipline is His loving attempt to draw us away from deprivation and destruction inherent in sin.

He wants us to rush into His protection and abundance. Before He sends judgment, God always gives people every opportunity to repent and to return to Him instead (Jeremiah 15:19).

Even those who give God the most grief through their hatred, can eventually find unrivaled joy the instant they humble their self, repent, trust in Him and obey the leading of His Spirit on a daily basis (Luke 15:7).

Father God, help us to take our eyes off the results of our efforts and to realize that obedience is what You are looking for from us. Help us to love You with a heart of full devotion, not distracted by the hollow temptation of worldly pleasure, praise, glory or benefits.

We want to do Your will in everything we say and do each and every day of our life. We give You the glory for every positive consequence we receive from obeying Your Spirit, and we return back to You all the praise that we receive.

Thought for the Day:
God prefers obedience to sacrifice, a humble spirit and repentant heart rather than accomplishments from our own efforts.
- Psalm 51:17; Ephesians 2:8-10