Thursday, September 21, 2017

Finding Freedom in Surrender - Lessons Learned

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I learned to survive life by adopting an "unsinkable Molly Brown" attitude.  ( 

Every person alive experiences some type of abuse from someone, in some area, at some age, time and circumstance or another.

Living with a rage-aholic dad and emotionally distant mom as I grew into an adult, recovering after natural disasters, losing many of my "treasures" by repeatedly moving from one place to another during marriage, divorced by my husband of 22 years, etc. all gave me a huge sense of insecurity about life.

I could count on no one, but myself; and I realized that I needed to prepare in order to survive even the worst of circumstances. I continually pulled myself up by my "bootstraps" and lived to face another day.

I clung to my defense mechanisms of bombastic anger and codependence in my endeavor to control life. These choices actually caused more trouble for me and those closest to me than they helped.

God finally brought me to a place of so much loss that I realized I was failing miserably in my attempts to control life and to prevent any further hurt to my body, soul or spirit.

Through surrender, we realize that all things, even the most negative and horrendous event is as God ordained it to be, unless we caused our circumstances by our willful disobedience or our failure to walk in His Spirit (Galatians 5:15-25).

The Lord taught me to "Let Go and Let God"; to live in the moment; to readily admit my faults; and to make apologies when needed, because I would not be consumed by shame if I did.

Surrendering to God's will allows us to enter God's rest, to luxuriate in His love and peace, and to put the weight of our current trial in His heart - letting go of all of the worry and stress. 

I even bought a heart-shaped box and I write down all of my worries and physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and literally deposit them into God's heart. This shifts all of my faith and energy from control to surrender.

Father God, thank You for teaching me to enter into my spirit and to face life through Your Spirit rather than through my soul - my mind, choices and emotions. You instructed me to put a boundary between me and my current circumstance, which would allow me the freedom to journal my thoughts and feelings and to find Your perspective on what is happening in my life.

You taught me to embrace trials rather than to resist them, because You plant a seed for a miracle in each one of them. You are constantly teaching me patience through my suffering, which is making me more perfect, complete and in need of no good thing, because You are giving me the mind and perspective of Christ to victoriously survive the issues in this world (James 1:4-5; 1 Corinthians 2:16).

Thought for the Day:

We will not allow life to distract us to the extent that we forfeit God's grace and mercy; so that we may live in His joy and peace, rather than to wallow in worry and unrest.