Thursday, September 28, 2017

Using Anger to Protect Our Self

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Passionate people often over-react passionately. We use anger to solve our problems and to deal with adversarial relationships; yet, it complicates the issues more often than helps them.

Anger is not our primary emotion; it masks our underlying hurt or disappointment, our impatience or exhaustion, our frustration or a pet peeve, etc.

Sometimes we feel anger for no apparent reason. We have buried the real issues in our subconscious mind and for some reason our soul is denying their existence. A searching inventory of our soul may help us to identify the root cause of our feelings of anger.

This vague anger is protecting us from some real or imagined slight or wound that life's circumstances or some individual inflicted on us. Our inventory of our emotions will reveal this source, unless we detached our thoughts from the event.

This dissociation is used to protect our self from feeling the overwhelming deprivation, abuse, neglect or shame perpetrated on us by some outside source. We can ask our self, "Who do I feel anger towards?" or "About what event am I feeling anger?"

We may feel anger toward God, fueled from disappointment because He did not answer our pray in the way we think that He should. Once we completely learn to accept and abide in His will, this never happens any more.

When we attempt to use anger to overcome our perceived problem or to control the outcome, we are actually using blank bullets. Anger never solves any issue, but only compounds them, because it wounds those whom we should love the most.

Father God, remind us that negative emotions are harmful to our body, soul and spirit. You allow us to feel anger, but exhort us not to allow anger to lead us into sinful thoughts or behavior (Ephesians 4:26-27). Anger is not a beneficial emotion and will destroy our relationships, our physical and mental health, and will not really change our circumstances.

Casting all of our cares on You (1 Peter 5:7) is the real solution to any issue that threatens to overwhelm us. You can see the matter from Your perspective rather than our limited, human perception and You can bring resolution and healing by Your Words of Truth. We trust in You with all of our heart and we do not want to depend on our human understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Thought for the Day:
Only a fool loses his/her temper frequently; a wise person trusts God rather than rely on anger for protection, because it does not achieve the righteousness of God. We are to be quick to hear, slow to speak and very slow to anger. - James 1:19-20, Proverbs 29:11