Monday, September 25, 2017

Taking Obedient Steps

Pink Flowers

The masses of humanity wake up each morning with their own agenda in mind. They rev up their caffeine driven adrenaline and pursue their goals and desires for the day.

Many live in fear that they will miss out on some imagined benefit that they are counting on receiving (Ecclesiastes 5:1). The sad result of this behavior is that they fail to take advantage of the opportunity that God gives us to obey Him and to live in His joy and peace on this earth.

If they had only waited a little longer and walked with God a little further, the effort of their obedience would bring more lasting rewards than reaping the carnal results that they are looking for now (1 Samuel 13:13).

Whenever we live outside of God’s will, incalculable anguish and desolation is inevitable both in this life and in the next (John 3:18); yet, living in God's will is the happiest place on earth.

If we walk in obedience to God's Spirit moment by moment throughout our day, we grow in our knowledge of Christ, hear His voice more readily, and reap the positive results of our behavior.

The tasks that God gives us fits into His overall plan. We may not see the fruit of our efforts until years after the event. At other times, we will not even know the effect of our obedience until eternity dawns and God opens the eyes of our understanding.

This is not important, however. Delayed gratification provides a way of gaining assured pleasure in the future. It is like making deposits into our savings account.

We bring God glory with every obedient step we take, regardless of the outcome. God wants complete devotion to Him from a dedicated heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:33). Sometimes, that is the only result for which He is looking.

Father God, do not allow us to depend on our human abilities to solve the issues that life throws at us, because we crowd out Your voice in the midst of the cacophony of static we experience in everyday life (Galatians 5:15-25). If we do forget to follow You, we chance spending time now and for eternity doomed to reaping the curse of our own decisions and actions (John 3:18; 2 Corinthians 5:3).

Help us not to suppress Christ's saving work in us, or to grieve Your Holy Spirit's presence in our life by ignoring You throughout our week. Remind us that we do not need to strive to keep every word of the law in order to gain Your favor, because Your love is a free gift (John 3:16; Romans 6:23).

Thought for the Day:
If we never repent of our willful disobedience and totally submit to the will of God, we will spend eternity suffering more than we have ever hurt in this lifetime.