Monday, September 11, 2017

Paying Attention to God's Will

Orange Rose Flower in Bloom during Daytime

Most of us are so focused on our to-do list for the day that we fail to pay attention to our body, thoughts and feelings. This often results in mental and/or emotional breakdowns.

Life goes far better for us if we take constant check-ups of our negative issues in body, soul and spirit. Finding out what is causing these negative feelings, thoughts and circumstances is vital for our overall health.

Identifying the root causes will unlock the doors to what our soul is attempting to communicate to us. If we go to God in prayer, He will show us these root causes and help us to discover how to deal with them.

What are we anxious about? What future event has our nerves jittering inside from worry? What past event is causing us shame or unforgiveness toward our self or someone else?

God will give us wisdom to know what situations we can deal with and which ones we need to put into His capable hands. He will give us His strength to overcome whatever He is bringing to our attention.

He will also help us to accept the areas that we do not like, but that are part of our life in this current moment. We trust in His wisdom, goodness and grace.

Changing our focus about people and situations that we cannot change will aid us in walking in God's peace and joy regardless of our circumstances. This releases us from anger and resentment as well.

Looking at life from an eternal perspective, rather than an earthly one will bring us unhindered joy that is full of God's glory as we walk in His will for us.

Father God, remind us to live one moment at a time, praying in our spirit continually, obeying Your will, and enjoying Your Spirit and Your presence each moment of each day. We can more readily experience fulfillment and overcome hardships by trusting You to work out everything according to Your will and for our good (Romans 8:28).

We release the stress and worry by breathing deeply to inhale Your peace. Help us to accept this world as it is, and to hear Your voice on how to make our part of it a better place for us and our community to enjoy. We want to surrender to Your will and to stop using our energy to fight our circumstances.

Thought for the Day:
Walking in true and lasting serenity comes from trusting God in all the issues of life - past, present and future - because we want to make a difference for His Kingdom and to walk in His will for us in each moment of our day. 
- Proverbs 3:5-6