Sunday, September 24, 2017

God is Always with Us

Time Lapse Photography of Waterfalls during Sunset

God cares for His children, just as He cares for the birds and lilies. As we seek God’s purpose for our life and walk in His ways, we have His guarantee that He will provide for us (Matthew 6:25-33). He works out all things, even the most difficult of events, for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28).

We no longer entertain any anxiety in our soul about our life. We take no thought about the fundamental needs of food and shelter. Even if we wander in the desert of life, God sends clouds for shade, fire to keep us warm, manna and quail to eat and shoes and garments, which never wear out (Exodus).

King David experienced every type of mental and physical anguish that we do. He worked out his feelings through writing psalms as his "journal". Now, David’s words provide solace for us too.

David expressed the full gamut of human pain, as well as the consolation, which the Lord constantly provided for him. The joy of the Lord was his constant strength, as it is for us (Nehemiah 8:10).

The only time the joy of the Lord flees from us is when we languish in our illnesses, our sorrow or our petty concerns, rather than looking to God to see us through them. His grace provides for our every need and is sufficient for us (2 Corinthians 12:9).

In the dark places of life, we want a friend. The Body of Christ provides just such comfort for us, as well as Christ who dwells within our spirit. The presence of Jesus, “Emanuel”, which means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23), fills each of us.

God gives us His peace as He comforts our troubled soul (John 14:27). His hope prophesies that God is always with us, no matter what circumstance we encounter (Psalm 139:7-14; Proverbs 18:24).

These difficulties produce His character in our soul and prove to us that He is worthy of our praise and trust. Jesus is our bread of life (John 6:35), and He is our all sufficiency (2 Corinthians 9:8). He fills every chamber in our body, soul and spirit with His peace, love and comfort, presence and Spirit.

Father God, our faith increases with every verse of scripture on which we meditate, and in every moment that we spend in abiding in Christ within us (Colossians 1:27), as well as every time we turn to You in our weakness. We surrender the control of our life to You, we take no thought for what tomorrow may hold, and we forgive our self for the sins of our past.

Remind us that any negative emotions signal an area of our life, which we did not yet surrender to Your Lordship in our life. Help us to clarify our feelings, to locate the root of the negative ones and to surrender the issues causing them to Your faithfulness. We look to You for your love, peace and joy, which come to us through the presence of Your Holy Spirit in our life (Romans 14:17).

Thought for the Day:

God's solace permeates our soul – our mind, decisions and emotions – to the same level and extent to which we allow Him the full reign and control over our life.