Tuesday, January 30, 2018

A Good Marriage - What Really Matters

animal, beak, bird

Valuing our mate will change the way we see their idiosyncrasies. We will have more patience with them, and change our focus about how their foibles affect us.

Cherishing him/her will endear them to us for life. We can plan our actions and our words to say, "I love you" all day long. The joy we felt while dating multiplies over the years of our marriage.

Any relationship takes work: parent - child, husband - wife, employer - employee, etc. Since we see each other every day, we tend to take one another for granted and forget to do the little things that improve our relationship.

Emotional disconnect occurs when we fail to connect physically with quality time on a regular basis. We may extinguish our mate's love for us with our words, attitude and actions. Complaints, criticism, angry words, and taking one another for granted will destroy our relationship.

We all need verbal affirmation, but men need it daily. They crave the sympathy, nurturing, understanding and adulation that their mother used to give them. Verbal affirmation goes a long way in cementing our marital ties.

We plan and make time in our busy schedules to relax together, have fun and share our deepest thoughts and fear. When we are too busy for each other, we grow apart more and more each day.

Spending focused time as a couple and a family helps us to bond more intimately. Families are not disposable. The grass really is not any greener on the other side of the fence; and anyway, the fence is still there.  

Father God, please remind us that distance grows in relationships unless we stay connected as we grow older together, bond with our souls rather than drifting apart, make one another a priority and realize that meeting our mate's needs is as important to them and to us as meeting our own needs.

Help us to see that in a good marriage we make time each week for both mates to bond with people of our same sex. Some people need this more than others do. Remind us that even if we enjoy time with our spouse, doing things separately with friends gives us space and time to enjoy hobbies that our spouse does not enjoy. It also gives us time to really miss each other.

Thought for the Day:
When we work out our marital issues in a manner that is agreeable to everyone, we set an example for future generations and everyone around us.