Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Balancing Act

animal, animal photography, blur

We often feel that life is a tight wire that we must cross. The key to safely making our way to the other side is to keep a firm balance. This is easier said than done, however.

We end up teetering from one chore or activity to another, relying on our human resources to accomplish our goals for each day. Without balance we lack plain objectives, clear focus and true guidance.

Humanistic thinkers may develop a process to order their life, but they cannot foresee the pitfalls that life generally inflicts on all of us. Only authentic Believers can walk in the center of God's will for our life (Ephesians 2:10).

God does not promote confusion, but does everything decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40). To experience a schedule that is based on divine balance, His guidance is paramount while
 we are ordering our day (Proverbs 3:5-6).

The first principle of a spiritual balance is to consult the Lord before doing anything or going any place. We start before we ever get out of bed. We metaphorically sit quietly at Jesus' feet and we worship Him for who He is and all that He does for us.

Then we seek His counsel for our first endeavor and follow it. We may need to reset our priorities, plans, goals and the obvious direction it takes to achieve them.

This way, we avoid confusion, stress and fatigue, because we function in His power and anointing. Our activities honor His plans and He gets all of the glory, instead of us.

Father God, we realize that peace and joy are the products of a life spent with You. Seeking Your sacred balance promotes serenity, productivity and wisdom. You give us Your direction for every element that we will experience during each particular day. You balance our heart and mind and lead us to follow Your personal will for each of us.

Remind us to hear Your direction for both our soul's inner and our body's outward balance. You have a perfect plan and purpose for our thoughts, feelings, preferences, choices and physical activities for each moment of every day. You gave us 24 hours in all 7 days of our week, and You know how to utilize that time in perfectly aligned segments and activities to bless us and to further Your Kingdom on the earth.

Thought for the Day:
The balance in our life will most likely change from day to day; that is why simply coming up with a way to balance our life our self is very ineffective, and God's direction each day is absolutely necessary for us to achieve maximum balance.