Wednesday, October 17, 2018

God Hears Our Cries

blue, bright, clouds

Too many people in today's religious world condemn one another and themselves, because they are sick. They say, "God would heal you if you had enough faith." That is unscriptural. The Bible tells us that we only need faith the size of a mustard seed (Luke 17:6). 

When a church member found out that God totally took away the pain in my broken toe within 12 hours of the mishap, she said, "I wish I had that kind of faith." That is the same thing people said when He took away my pain of 11 broken ribs from a car wreck.

I have to honestly say, IT WAS NOT MY FAITH. It was God's inherent care for His children. Over the years of my life, I learned to exclusively trust God every single moment. He is always faithful, and that is why I trust in Him alone.
When I broke my toe, I felt excruciating pain for about 11 hours. I could not sleep or get any relief. All the while I was surrendering my pain to our Daddy God. I finally fell asleep and woke up with no pain.

It has been over a week now, and though my toe warns me that it is broken when I stand or walk too much, or try to wear a shoe, I am pain free - no thanks to the amount of faith I have, but all thanks to the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Have you ever felt depression, agitation, and other negative emotions in your soul? We can totally surrender that emotional pain to the Lord as well.

When we hope in God, remember His goodness to us all of our life, and praise Him for the help of His presence in our life, He gives us a merry heart (Psalm 42:5-6, 11; 71:5, 14; Proverbs 17:22).

We will get discouraged in this world, if we do not trust and hope in Him. He often gives us wisdom to both reduce inflammation, which will reduce our pain, and to eat wholesome food rather than the chemically-laden foods that are so popular in our American culture.

We also draw from His courage and repeatedly thank and praise Him for strengthening our heart and emotions to endure whatever we will experience (Psalm 27:13-14). We heed His wisdom as we listen to His Spirit every moment of our day.

Father God, we rejoice because our Redeemer lives and He will return to earth to rule and reign for eternity. Our heart yearns within us for His swift return. We shall see Him with our own eyes and be just like Him (1 John 3:2). Even when we suffer pain and distress in our life, we keep our focus on You in the midst of it (Job 19:25-27).

No one who waits on and trusts in You alone shall be ashamed. You show us Your ways, teach us Your paths, and lead us into all truth as you bless us through both the good times and the bad. You are the God of our salvation now and throughout eternity. Our hope is only in You every moment of our day (Psalm 25:3-5).

Thought for the Day:
We wait patiently in hope for the Lord, because He is our help, shield, fortress and deliverer; our heart sings for joy in Him, and we trust His holy name; when our soul takes refuge under the shadow of His wings and we cry out to Him, He hears us.
- Psalm 33:20-21; Psalm 57:1-2