Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Overcoming Life

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In order to have patience, we need to switch our thinking, philosophy, world view and attitude about our daily needs. In our society, we want everything NOW. However, God is not on our timetable.

We often get discouraged when our prayers are not answered in our time and way. God is not our puppet who responds when we pull His strings. He is our sovereign Lord and King. It may even take years for us to see the results of some of our prayers.

Relationships need patience too. Differing personality types, life goals, world views, attitudes, needs and expectations will often cause tension between us. Unless, of course, we pray together about our differences and find a third option on which we can both agree.

Once we come to understand that God is in control, has His own timetable, and knows the end from the beginning, our patience increases. We hope in Him alone, and have faith in His faithfulness.

Jesus learned obedience to Our Father through the things that He suffered in this earthly realm (Hebrews 5:8). We too learn to patiently obey the guidance of God's Holy Spirit each moment of our day.

Biblical hero, Joseph, is a great example of a person trusting God throughout His life - even when betrayed by his family, serving as a slave, and falsely accused and thrown into prison. His attitude, patience and trust in the Lord are exemplary.

Our world needs our prayers. With patience, we can find God's plan for our life in order to be part of the solution to the world's ills, rather than criticizing, blaming, fearing the worse, or giving up on everyone and everything.

Sharing the Gospel of Christ with everyone we meet is the most effective solution to changing the world. Jesus is the only one, the only moving force that can truly make a difference in our world. There are many effective ways to share the Gospel. (See Below.)

Father God, thank You for working in us, around us, with us and through us, so that we can patiently do all that You planned for us to do each moment of the day. Christ in us enables us to patiently persevere with determination and prayer. This enables us to overcome whatever life throws at us with Your joy, which is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

We are thankful that You constantly teach us that our way is not the only way (Philippians 3:7-10), and that as our Father, You know what is best for us. Help us to patiently wait on Your timing and will for everything in our life, rather than forcing our desires and making everything worse.

Thought for the Day:
Allowing patience to have her perfect work is accomplished when we totally surrender to God's will for each moment of our day; rather than striving and straining to accomplish our goals through our human resources, we patiently wait on the Lord until he opens doors, until He changes our circumstances, and until He gives us wisdom on how to accomplish what He calls us to do.


Simple Ways to Share the Gospel of Christ:
·       Start by taking the person's spiritual temperature in a loving, caring manner:
a.) Ask questions, such as:
Do you have a church family?
Do you know how to get to heaven?
Did you grow up in church? What were you taught about God? Do you still believe that?
Do you have time for me to tell you a short story? (Give your testimony of salvation).
Invite them to meet you at church and tell them where and when, and even offer to pick them up.
        b.) Listen to them share their heart, current needs,
        concerns, etc.
c.) Then, tell them God loves them and has a plan for their life, offer to pray for them right then or later during your personal prayer time, or just say God Bless You.

·       Every believer should be ready to share the way we were before salvation, how you came to understand your need for salvation, and what God has done in our life since salvation.
·       Tell a short story from your own heart of your own salvation experience. (Use the Evangecube to tell them the gospel:
·       Hand them your favorite gospel tract to read when they have time. -
·       Use an app on your phone
·       Use Dare2Share resources:
·       Write a letter including your personal testimony and the facts of the gospel is a great way to share the good news.
·       Folded Paper Method:
·       Share the Jesus film:
·       Host a Christian Movie Night
·       Use the Wordless book:
Or bracelet:
·       Start a Bible study in your home…use a study book from the Christian bookstore or from:
·       Start your own free blog and post on it often to share what you are learning in God's Word:
·       Sit down with your Bible and turn verse by verse through the Roman's Road…letting them read the verses. Roman's Road:
o   Our universal problem (all have sinned): Romans 3:23 and Romans 3:10
o   The wages of sin is death and separation from God: Romans 5:12, Romans 6:23
o   But God provided a way for our sin to be forgiven and not held against us any longer: Romans 5:8
o   We personally receive forgiveness and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ: Romans 10:9,10,13
o   Salvation brings us peace with God: Romans 5:1, Romans 8:1, Romans 8:38-39
o   Invite them to confess their sin and their faith in Christ through prayer. Explain to them there are no magic words to pray; prayer is simply an expression of the faith they have in their heart. Encourage them to talk to God in their own words.