Saturday, October 20, 2018

Understanding Each Other's Viewpoint

Snow Covered Trees in Winter

What is your pet peeve? What drives you absolutely crazy? What causes you more frustration and resentment than anything else in your life? What makes you to want to walk out of the room or go for a very long drive?

The answer to these questions may be a clue to explain why you no longer feel the same intensity of joy and contentment with your life now, compared to what you used to feel.

Maybe there are household chores that no one ever does but you; the reason may be that they never think about them. You could have a job jar or a chore list, so that everyone could pick a chore each day.

There could be a ministry that you thought you were involved in with a team, but it turns out that one member of the team ran with his/her own ideas and made decisions without consulting the rest of the team. Have the whole team kindly discuss this with him/her.

Possibly your mate takes you for granted and your date nights and romantic trysts occur farther and farther apart. Using a calendar and reserving a time each week for one another will go a long way in improving this record. Emergencies may arise occasionally; but otherwise, you can look forward to this time together.

Your mate may spend more than your budget allows, and it is hard to balance the checkbook, or pay off the credit card debt every month. If heart-felt talks and counseling does not remedy the situation, an envelope with cash will limit his/her spending, while keeping you from paying overdrafts on the bank account.

A lack of reliability can make you feel like you cannot trust your mate, friend, associate, etc.; when a person neglects to read your blog, texts, emails and answer your calls, or when they break promises and give you no say in choices they make that affect you too, etc. this makes you feel slighted and unimportant to them.

Or maybe your mate is flirting with the opposite sex, which causes insecurity and jealousy to invade your peace; a lack of consideration and appreciation may drive a wedge between any two people.

Working together to find a third alternative that both people feel good about will solve many of these issues. Do not demand your own way, but discuss the issues and brainstorm solutions until you both agree on one of them.

Father God, help us to kindly admit to each other when something bothers us. Remind us not to criticize or accuse, but to choose a time when we are both available to chat about any negative issues that arise between us. Help us to see that we may not be able to find an alternate solution to the problem, but talking about it often diffuses the negative emotions in the situation.

When we choose to understand one another's viewpoint, and we see where we are both coming from, peace is often restored to the relationship; especially when You remind us that we are human too, and are often frustrating and annoying as well. Point out to us the good in each of us, so that we can focus on our blessings and learn to be content.

Thought for the Day:
Loving someone is always a choice, and our contentment level is what we make it; when we view life from a heavenly perspective, the little annoyances that attempt to spoil our relationships cannot compare to the blessing and wisdom, which God gives us every single day. - Song of Solomon 2:15; Psalm 23:1-4