Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Have Some Fun

photo of two black, white, and orange koi fish

Play is one of the most neglected rituals in our society. A child's job is to play. As adults we often overly schedule their unique independent, free-style fun right out of our child's life, and out of our own life too.

We neglect our Inner Child and deprive him/her of much needed soul time. Some people are way too childish, and they neglect their adult responsibilities; but others are too focused with getting ahead to their detriment, they neglect play time.

Our soul - our feelings, thoughts and choices - and our physical health prosper when we make time to have fun too. Play is not unproductive, frivolous or fruitless. Fun actually energizes our soul to function more productively. We take an inventory of our soul and find balance.

We play by maximizing our recreation time. It energizes our immune system, benefits our brain, escalates our efficiency, creates positive relationships with family and friends, boosts our creativity, increases our ability to minimize tension, etc.

We must ensure that our inner "slave driver" allows daily play time. Fun is different for everyone, and this diversity of interests is healthy and creative. During play, we feel freer and less restrained. There are no schedules or efficient plans.

Play promotes endorphins, reduces worry, and encourages us to smile, and even giggle or laugh out loud (Proverbs 17:22). Play may be considered by some as impractical, a waste of time, unproductive, etc., but it is actually very beneficial to our body, soul and spirit.

Play is both individual, and social with friends. Our interests change as we age, but unique playtime is viable at every season of life. Plan some time for play into every day - time to relax, to laugh, and to breathe deeply.

Father God, remind us that Jesus made time to play with the little children, and He also escaped to the wilderness to enjoy creation and to feed His soul and spirit as He communed with You. All of creation plays and frolics - each in its own environment. Teach us that play is not frivolous and purposeless, but vital and healthy in so many ways. Playing outside also benefits us from sunlight, nature, fresh air, etc.

You created play, because it enhances our immune system, our confidence, sense of community, brain development, self-esteem, resiliency, neuron survival, motor skills, problem solving talents, balance and flexibility, coordination, cooperation with others, strengthens muscles, conditions our heart and lungs, combats chronic diseases, helps us to maintain a healthy weight and emotional expression, etc. You are an awesome God, and You care about every aspect of our life.

Thought for the Day:
A few examples of play - individually or with one or more people:
·       Playing with our pet(s), maintaining an enjoyable hobby
·       Gardening, sewing, cooking, baking, art, music, etc.
·       Sports, walking, jogging, gym-time, dancing, etc.
·       Board games, card games, word games, electronic games
·       Swimming, skiing, surfing, mountain climbing, biking, etc.
·       Strolling in nature - alone or with a friend
The possibilities are endless.